Facegen morph not appear after upgraded to 4.9

PLEASE HELP!...I am having problem after upgraded to Daz 4.9, cannot see new morph in parameters (can still see old morphs sent while using 4.5 version)

Facegen exporter seems to work OK when create export files,


  • edited May 2016

    I can see textures files but not morph in Daz studio


    Post edited by kselang9_53ec353a65 on
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,805

    Can you tell where FaceGen is placing its output? is it creating morph assets in DS or OBJ files you need to load as morphs?

  • FaceGenFaceGen Posts: 2

    Which Genesis mesh are you exporting for ?

    Daz 4.9 defaults to Genesis 3 which is not yet supported by FaceGen.

    Try loading in Genesis 1 (or Genesis 2 Male or Female if you have FaceGen Artist Pro).


  • I used Facegen Modeller 3.5 then Facegen exporter to export to Daz studio4.5, but after upgraded to 4.9 new morphs not appear in parameters, I can still see old morphs that sent before update in parameters/Actor/Face/universal/ facegen

  • edited September 2016

    Hi There. I am also having the same problems with loading facegen artist pro morphs into the Genesis Female 2 figure in DazStudio4.9.

    So can anyone actually advise me into how to sort this annoying problem out?? I am very lost with what to actually do.

    Where do I then send the finished facegen morph to? Which file or folder containing the Genesis Female 2 figure mesh.

    Need Advice Please. Jason Usher

    Post edited by Chohole on
  • TottallouTottallou Posts: 555
    edited September 2016

    For Facegen on Gen 3 - The morphs appear under  Parameters - Actor - Head - Real World

    To make them easier to find I save all output from Face Gen with a prefix LD- then select the actor - go to parameters to find the list (As attached)

    If you are using Connect you can't save Face Gen morphs inside the cloud library - you need to save it in your none cloud library

    The file Face Gen produces should be in : \data\DAZ 3D\Genesis 3\Female\Morphs\FaceGen


    367 x 133 - 17K
    Post edited by Tottallou on
  • Hi, I also have the same issue using FaceGen Artist Pro 1.1 with DAZ Studion Pro 4.9.

    I have try to export the morph using all 5 options (Genesis 1, Genesis 2 Male, Genesis 2 Female, Genesis 3 Male, Genesis 3 Female), and I have checked those file have been generated correctly under related Marpth\FaceGen folder, 

    Then I try to add the figure of relaed Genesis model in DAZ Studio, but none of them appeared in the parameter of Actor, they cannot be found by the name also.


    I don;t know if I have missed any step here, could anyone please show me how I can use the dsf file generated by FaceGen Artist ?  Thanks.


  • I've tried all fo the above and none of it seems to work. I can't find : \data\DAZ 3D\Genesis 3\Female\Morphs\FaceGen folder anywhere. Not sure which settings to change those in DAZ and/or Facegen. 

    Trying to get it to work for Gen3 female obviously.

    Thnaks in advance.

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