Convert Poser Poses to Daz

Is there any way to convert posers .pz2 pose files to Daz's pose format so I can convert them to Genesis 3 poses?


  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613

    Apply them to the figure they were made for an save as "Pose preset"

  • 3delinquent3delinquent Posts: 355

    Draagonstorm has a product that batch converts Gen4 PZ2. poses to .DUF. Just makes it easier if you have a lot of them I guess. Weigh up cost of product vs time to do it all manually. From there you might need to pose convert to genesis 2 and from there to genesis 3. I'm not sure if there's something that does it in one step. I'm also not sure if those generational pose converters batch convert.  Zevo and Draagonstorm have that stuff pretty well covered. Sorry for no link. I'm still working this stuff out.

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