Possible to export a Daz body without the Phong surface material?

in New Users
I've been working on a project in Maya using the default Daz gen 3 body as a reference. I've been doing a few test renders in Mental Ray and the body seems to leave a mirror like reflection. Is it possible to export a body model out of Daz without a Phong or Blinn Setting but a Lambert instead? i tried turning down the reflective properties of the material in Maya but i might be missing something. I think the body is one mesh but it must be broken up into several UV shells or something and i need to change the material property for each individual cell instead of just selecting the whole mesh. So i wanted to see if it was possible to do it in Daz before i keep trying to fix in in Maya.
What format are you exporting in?
Selecting Collapse UV should help with the UV issue. But the default surface in Studio doesn't use a Lambertian model, so you are stuck giving it a new material in Maya.