Object import from 3dsmax and shading

I´m trying to do a simple import of a text object from 3dsmax to Daz and apply in Daz a shader to it.
I have some limited skills in max and I've always found difficult to get materials just as i want, I tried some shaders in Daz and liked them, I just want to see what happens.
I managed to import as an .obj, walked through the opacity thing but i can't get it to receive a shader. Perhaps is an elemental thing but I gave up.
I did a text with bevel modifier, converted to editable mesh and/or poly, (as a single object, as a group of sperate meshes, as separate ungrouped meshes) exported to .obj, then imported into Daz.
First the geometry doesn't look right, not straight sharp bevel angles, then no chance to apply a Daz shader.
Can someone please give me some tips on this issue?
Did you UV map it? Did you select the object and the surface (easiest with the Surface Selection tool from the Tools menu, don't forget to switch back to your posing tool later) before applying the shader preset? From the sound of it you want o turn smoothing off or adjust the smoothing angle, both in the Surfaces pane, to get your sharp edges back.