How do I get large swaths of old and 3rd party stuff in the Smart Content section?

Ok after years of being on Poser and several rage quits of Daz I am going to try it again.  The main draw being the Smart content and ability to better sort my stuff.  First thing out the gate I link my Poser library Daz so I can at least see everything I have.  Now what.

I have found the ability to put items in catagories which is nice but I can't do it to entire folders so that limits how nice it is.  What I want to do is be able to get Victoria 4 or any other of my figures in as base figures and be able to then link all my poses, clothes, accessories and such to it.  I already have the file structure set up for it to be somewhat organized so I would like to just be able to select a bunch of folders and link them to be in the right place in the Smart Content section.  Heck even 3rd party stuff for G3M isn't linked righ.  Is all the Metadata purely delivered when purchased through the Daz store and downloaded through their Installers?

I want to switch over, I like the new models and I like IRay, but I need a library that is better than what Poser has and better than the 3rd party Library I use (Shaderworks Library Manager).


  • Yes, pre-defined metadata is delivered almost exclusively via DAZ installers. At least as far as I know—I don't buy a whole lot from other stores, but I've never bought any that had metadata. So for these products you will have to create your own and that's what I always do.

    The major Generation 4 figures from DAZ do have metadata, but it probably depends on when and how you installed them and what version of Studio you are using. So assuming that your base figure has metadata creating metadata for compatible products is not too difficult. However, it is rather painstaking and there is no great shortcut that I know of. There are a few decent, fairly up-to-date vidio tutorials on this:

    Adding metadata in DAZ Studio 4.6 by Slosh (a DAZ PA), and

    DAZ Studio metadata 101 by 3d-Almanac.

    They are both good in my opinion, but take slightly different approaches. The 3d-Almanac video starts by creating a Smart Content Product (this is the approach I take) and Slosh's doesn't seem to deal with Products. Slosh loads the figure and clothing, etc., while creating the metadata, but this is done for demonstration purposes and you don't have to load the objects in order to create metadata.

    Personally, I like to create a Product, as I find the Product view in Smart Content very useful now that I am using 4.9. If you don't create a Product then your metadata is only really useful in Files view. Both views can be handy depending on your needs at the time—I use both, but mostly Product view.

    My workflow is to first create a Product from the top level folder of the product in Content Library. Then go to its Products entry in Content Library and create categories for everything. Next I go to the Content DB Editor (while still in the CL Products list), complete the Product data and assign types and compatabilities to the items. Finally I create a Product icon.

    That's just an outline, of course—the details are explained in the 3d-Almanac video (although I suggest you watch Slosh's tutorial as well).


  • I just finished the 3D-Almanac video.  Looks pretty straight forward.  Will start on that at some point.

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