Back after 10 years

in New Users
I've pretty much been out of the rendering game for most of the last decade. I d/l'd the new DAZ Studio and wow, I barely recognize it. Nothing I have is newer than V4, and I'm ok with that, I don't really need to load up on new products yet. I see everything is all about the new Iray technology. Anybody have advice or recommendations for a quick-start to be able to use it? Maybe a human skin preset, and a light preset, from which I can tweak and branch out? I'm a little lost on where to start, and would prefer not to spend 2 months reading about it just to start from scratch!
Welcome back, Stacy! I'm pretty new too. Been using Daz Studio for less than 2 months. It's a LOT OF FUN, I'm finding.
From what I see you can still use V4 (I see a lot of great renders in the galleries using V4). I'm finding her to be pretty good for rendering too, I have V4.2. I bought that figure because I kept seeing a lot of freebies for her, so figured it would be a great place to start since I'm on a tight budget and can use all the freebies I can get. :)
As for Iray, it works great on just about any figure. I did this image with V4.2 rendered in Iray with the settings posted by FlorentMoon on DeviantArt.
Here's also a great discussion post about Iray.
I hope that gives you a place to start. I recommend just experementing and seeing what come up with. I've found some really interesting tutorials on youtube as well. :)
I checked out the skin surface link you gave. How do I even get it to say Shader: Iray Uber? When I click on a skin texture in an existing scene and go to the shader editor, it says Shader: OmHumanSurface. They don't even have the same boxes to adjust.
For the DAZ Studio Basics (and the 3Delight Render Engine) I would still recommend this Video Series:
For more Video Tutorials, especially about Iray, take a look at the DAZ3D Youtube Channel:
Right, that's an older 3Delight shader - you need to apply the Iray uber base shader which will replace it while keeping most of the settings as a basis for refinement. If you go to the Presets tab of the Surface pane with the skin surfaces selected you should find it under \Shaders\Iray as I recall.
Thanks, I found it! I saw in another thread that I'd have to uninstall/reinstall some default resource package, and then I could see the iray shaders. Boy, I thought I had this well figured out way back when, but things have changed a LOT!
There's a thread in the DAZ Studio section that has some basics about Iray:
If you are into video tutorials, they have released a couple of good and recent tutorials:
This has a basic intro into Iray:
Default settings:
Iray Ueberbase:
Environment Tab:
Welcome back Stacy....sorry... I can't for the life of me think of anything that has changed in the last 10 years
The Forum. The forum has changed. It looks horrible now.
Thank you everyone for the help! I've finished my first render in ages.
Welcome back; you seem to be handling the culture shock well!