More Helicopters

I'd really like a Bell UH-1 Iroquois, Sikorsky H-34, Sikorsky S-64 Skycrane, Boeing CH-47 Chinook, Bell H-13 Sioux
can't have enough helicopters
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I'd really like a Bell UH-1 Iroquois, Sikorsky H-34, Sikorsky S-64 Skycrane, Boeing CH-47 Chinook, Bell H-13 Sioux
can't have enough helicopters
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I know your post has been out here for a while but what do you think about a S76 type that can be converted between Business, Medical, Police, Rescue and Combat?
I love the S76! However, a few technical points. I would like to see that the sliding doors are default on the Medical, Rescue, and Combat. I would prefer that the rescue have only one rear seat, aft and opposite of the winch (Where will you put the rescue basket?). All units should have an under-belly winch option for light/medium lift.
Please include a morph option to tilt the rotor blur forward/backward/port/starboard at the hub, as that is how choppers steer.
In addition, I would like to see all helicopters of an S76 type come with skid and pontoon variations. My S76 lands in deep snow. Wheels are rather ineffective.
As to textures, if a combat variant is offered, please include a med-evac variant (red cross/crescent). Also, a cabin gun mount for 30/50 Cal machine guns would be nice (but very optional).
Gratis, and Cheers.
the S76 is certainly a nice helicopter, bit more modern than what i would normally render, but still a fine machine. Given my affinity for dinosaur renders it would probably end up with an InGen logo on the side :)
Thank you for the great comments and input and I’m glad you enjoy it!
I have an update on its way for the Gdds76 that will have adjustable seating with seatbelts that can be turned off and on for better posing. It will also include poses to M6 and V6
The tilting rotor disk was taken out of the original release because I thought it was a bit too much to add. It can tilt and also spin for animation. If I still have time I can put it in the update.
Still have time to fit the other items “gun mount, single seat cab configuration, textures and Winch” into the military add on that will be out soon. It’s based on the 76 Eagle. All the items included in this conversion package will be compatible with the original Gdds76 so you can mix and match you own machine. It will be called the “Gdds76-C Rapier” for combat.
I’ve been hunting for a picture of a real 76 with all-weather wheel skids with no luck. I may have to get creative on this one. I’ll keep you posted.
Sneak Peek :)
that look killer
I look forward to the Rapier! I did a quick-and-dirty Google search for the S76 and could only come up with your model.
I truly appreciate your prompt response and willingness to accommodate. This is refreshing!
Ah, you're the person who made it! Don't have a regular source of income at the moment, but loved the attention to detail when this was released in the store... Definitely on my to-purchase. Could easily see an expansion which replicate Airwolf, which would be amusing. A Cobra-style chin gun turret would be quite advantageous, too.
I'd actually love to see more modular vehicles. Especially air/space/submarine ones. I've many ideas for combining bits and pieces from things like A-10s, Apaches, Harriers and so forth, to create something unique. I could see a whole variety of fuselages, cockpits, mountings for engines, different shapes of wings, undercarriage (wheels and ski designs), enabling people to make completely original styles of craft. Then an exapansion for military textures and all sorts of cannons, rocket pods, missiles, bombs and slewable gun turrets.
All the user would have to do is parent them together and scale up/down as they please. It could be tricky to get exact symmetry for both sides of a fuselage, when you position things like the wings, but certainly not impossible (especially if it has optional key points to act as guides for an optimal placing). I'd do this kind of thing inside Hexagon, myself, but it's notoriously unstable in Windows 8 and Google Sketch Up doesn't export to a known Daz Studio-friendly format.
Thanks Xenomorphine. Sounds like your looking for my "Thor". :) Its a three crew future CH-54 dual rotor type modular helicopter i've been playing with. Everything is straped on the belly as a pod. Skys the limit as to what in the pod. :)
Sorry about hexagon. Thats all I use to create my models. The Gdds76 started as a Hexagon sphere. :) I do reach a point to where i cant save as an.obj and have to save as a .3ds. Messes thing up but always a way around it.
I have a few projects to complete but i think the Thor project may get an extra push.
Yeah, I very much would be an avid Hexagon user, were it not for for that. The tutorial videos make it seem a lot more user-friendly than others out there.
Thor does look intriguing... I could see even more diversity if the main rotor is optional and the two engines can be swivelled, for jet VTOL possibilities (although, it would probably need at least a third to create a centre of gravity). Suspect I'll be purchasing both of these in the very near-future!
How much intrest would anyone have in somthing like this UH1?
"everything moves"
I also have a CH47 and 53 with a folding tail. You can see it in my gallery.
you have my interest, especially for the CH-47 and UH-1
Been wanting a CH-47 for some time
Just picked up a UH-1 that I was not pleased with so def interested in a better one
That's one impressive-looking Huey... As with your earlier effort, that looks like an insta-purchase for me.
If any gunships are planned, would be especially interested in those, too. Have been very puzzled why, aside from a handful, so few real-world military vehicles are in the store. Apache, Cobra, Hind, Havoc, Black Shark, Lynx, Tiger, Rooivalk - even experimental stuff like the Comanche... There's a strange absence of things like helicopters, tanks, submarines, planes and so forth. Especially of your quality.
there is a lot of military stuff at OnTarget3D and Rendo
I've been picking up a lot of late WWII and post WWII tanks for my alien invasion renders. Always need soldiers and tanks to be completely ineffective against the alien saucers