I wish to add a glowing light effect to objects so that they render in Iray, or just a glowing effect in genneral but I am unsure how to go about doing something like this
If you want a surface to emit light you should click on it with the Surface selection tool and aply the Emissive shader preset, then adjust the emissive settings in the Surfaces pane; if you want lights to have a halo around them enable the Bloom Filter in Render Settings>Editor Tab>Filtering group.
I just scooted over from the Art Studio thread (where I LIVE) and sometimes when I render, I will share my settings to get newbies or (folks who haven't tried something before) a head start. It's nice to have some idea where you're headed, and also just to putz with what someone else has tried. The settings to do this render / these effects are in my Art Studio thread. Many new folks don't know about that section (because the New User threads are where you need to be for instructions/help) but we discuss the products and also occasionally give some tips. If you want to do this, pop in and I gave the exact lighting data needed to do one just like it. There's lighting back on the trees, that is also discussed. Have fun!
This is the post.The information will be BELOW the image.
So what can you do if you want the surface to emit light but keep the image? Like a computer monitor showing a spreadsheet, yet adding illumination to the user's face?
I found the solution on the forums once, but lost it. Damn you, dysfunctional forum search!
Thanks. That's it. Is there any way to control the texture saturation? If I make the emission bright enough to cast a little illumination, the image colors get washed out.
Thanks. That's it. Is there any way to control the texture saturation? If I make the emission bright enough to cast a little illumination, the image colors get washed out.
I often put the image in both the Emissive colour and the Luminence channel
Thanks. That's it. Is there any way to control the texture saturation? If I make the emission bright enough to cast a little illumination, the image colors get washed out.
I often put the image in both the Emissive colour and the Luminence channel
Ooooh! I'll have to try that! Sometimes I can use the surface selector with the "Sun" shaders from the Iray Worlds Skydome pack to make an image emissive, but it doesn't seem to work on everything.
Thanks. That's it. Is there any way to control the texture saturation? If I make the emission bright enough to cast a little illumination, the image colors get washed out.
I often put the image in both the Emissive colour and the Luminence channel
Ooooh! I'll have to try that! Sometimes I can use the surface selector with the "Sun" shaders from the Iray Worlds Skydome pack to make an image emissive, but it doesn't seem to work on everything.
Thanks. That's it. Is there any way to control the texture saturation? If I make the emission bright enough to cast a little illumination, the image colors get washed out.
I often put the image in both the Emissive colour and the Luminence channel
Ooooh! I'll have to try that! Sometimes I can use the surface selector with the "Sun" shaders from the Iray Worlds Skydome pack to make an image emissive, but it doesn't seem to work on everything.
Oh, yeah. That did it, Scorpio! Thank you!
cool, I'll give that a try as well. Thanks for the info scorpio
Do you want an object to emit light onto other objects, or do you want a halo effect around a bright/emitting object?
a little of both to be honnest but I'd like to use more than just the Iray character lights for everything. Do you have any suggestions?
If you want a surface to emit light you should click on it with the Surface selection tool and aply the Emissive shader preset, then adjust the emissive settings in the Surfaces pane; if you want lights to have a halo around them enable the Bloom Filter in Render Settings>Editor Tab>Filtering group.
If you're looking to make objects glow or emit light, you might find this tutorial helpful. I used it to create this scene.
thank you very much you two, I found both of your help very usefull
I just scooted over from the Art Studio thread (where I LIVE) and sometimes when I render, I will share my settings to get newbies or (folks who haven't tried something before) a head start. It's nice to have some idea where you're headed, and also just to putz with what someone else has tried. The settings to do this render / these effects are in my Art Studio thread. Many new folks don't know about that section (because the New User threads are where you need to be for instructions/help) but we discuss the products and also occasionally give some tips. If you want to do this, pop in and I gave the exact lighting data needed to do one just like it. There's lighting back on the trees, that is also discussed. Have fun!
This is the post. The information will be BELOW the image.
So what can you do if you want the surface to emit light but keep the image? Like a computer monitor showing a spreadsheet, yet adding illumination to the user's face?
I found the solution on the forums once, but lost it. Damn you, dysfunctional forum search!
Put the texture in the Emissive Color channel
Thanks. That's it. Is there any way to control the texture saturation? If I make the emission bright enough to cast a little illumination, the image colors get washed out.
A seriously kick-@$$ image, Novica! Well done!
I often put the image in both the Emissive colour and the Luminence channel
Ooooh! I'll have to try that! Sometimes I can use the surface selector with the "Sun" shaders from the Iray Worlds Skydome pack to make an image emissive, but it doesn't seem to work on everything.
Oh, yeah. That did it, Scorpio! Thank you!
cool, I'll give that a try as well. Thanks for the info scorpio