Export Collada for Secondlife not functioning ...

Hi Guys

Will somebody please put me out of my misery - I have managed to use the Figure Setup to build a very simple character (a mannequin).  I have managed to apply the bones in the correct orientation.  I have managed to build the apprpriate heirarchy of the bones.  I have managed to create the character and it will animate perfectly in the Viewport (even animate2 dances function correctly).

I have tried to export the character as Collada (dae) and this works ok.  I wish to upload my character in Dae format to Second Life with Skin Weights and Joint Positions

I can upload as a static mesh object, but this is not what I want.  I would like to be able to attach my mannequin charater to my avatar with apprpriate alpha mask and thus change the appearance of my avatar completely.

The upload option in Second Life will NOT allow me to select Skin Weight or Joint Positions (needed to have mesh mannequin charater move with second life avatar)

What am I doing wrong ?? I have spent hours and hours trying to add bones manually, export in every possibe dae combination of settings - nothing seems to work.   Am I missing something really simple here or does Daz 3ds Dae export function not work with Second Life

Any help much appreciated - I am new to this so please keep things simple for me ;))



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638 x 634 - 55K
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