GenX for individual body morphs

I have been using GenX successfully to convert V4 to G2F but so far, I have been only converting entire characters over. Is there a way to only convert individual parts? Specifically, I would like to convert some Fae ears to G2F and apply them to charcters I've already converted. Can you convert just the ears and apply them to G2F figures? If so, what would be the process?
Post edited by ALLIEKATBLUE on
Go to the GenX-Tab choose your figure via the Source button. Drag and Drop the Morph Inj-File you need to the GenX-Tab. Expand the Head region Scroll down to the ear morphs and check all morphs you would like to transfer. Important: Mode needs to be Selected Morphs. Choose your Target Figure and click on Transfer.
When GenX is done with the transfer, reload your Target Figure and your new morphs should be in the Shaping Tab.
In the Screenshot I have loaded Victoria 4 and the Morph-INJ of the Creature Creator Add-On. My target is Genesis2 Female.
In my example after the transfer is done, the morph is in Genesis2 Female => Head => GenerationX => Victoria 4 => Morphs/Shapes => Creature Creator => Ears
Thanks so much MN