Rotate Camera Around Limb of Figure

in New Users
I need to have a camera rotate verically around a figur'es left arm. So the elbow on the left arm (extended horizontally) needs to be the rotation axis point of the camera. I just got DAZ3d yesterday so I'm having a heck of a time fuguring this out. 8^\
The simplest fix would be to parent a null to the arm, aligned with the arm, then parent the camera to that and use the null as the rotator.
This is probably not the right method, but I'd select the forearm or shoulder with the Active Pose tool, then click on the Frame Selected Object. The camera should then rotate around the selected body part.
If I want to rotate the camera around a certain body part, I select the body part and hit CTRL + SHIFT + A to aim the camera at the target without changing the translation coordinates of the camera itself. I think that's what you want to do?