Help! Odd blue cones that I can't get rid of FIXED
Hi there,
Hopefully somebody can help me. I am probably doing something wrong, but I have managed to attract some odd blue cones (guessing they are something to do with the morphing of it?) But can anybody help me hide them from the render?

450 x 800 - 108K
Post edited by l_stowe on
Those are the bones to either move the dress or the legs probably. But since I'm at work and not on my rendering computer I can't tell you how to get rid of them right now. Maybe try your posing tab, go down to the morphs and scroll down to where it says bones, on or off. You have to be on the dress or the leg or whatever they are attached to so it might take a bit of testing.
They are the movement handles to pose the skirt. Look in the surface tab and see if they are in there. If they are just set opacity to zero.
If the item is autofit to a different figure, use Opacity in the Surfaces pane; if not, see if there's a separate bone listed for handles and make that invisible in render using the parameters pane or scene pane.
Thank you for the comments so far. Unfortunately it isn't appearing as a separate bone in the scene, but disappears when I make the thigh part of the dress invisible. I can't seem to find it in the surface tab either, so I think it might be a big.
I accidentally changed the parenting of the garter to the leg which kind of moved them both outwards and the cone sort of smeared itself. So, I'm looking for another witch costume for G2F. Oh well.
Try clicking on a cone with the Surface Selection tool (Tools menu) - that should highlight the material you need to edit in the Surface pane.
Awesome, thank you Richard. Problem solved. I'll remember that in future
Did you check the materials presets for the dress? There ought to be (but unfortunately isn't always) a preset to hide or show the handles.
Which should work by hiding the bones, since that completely removes the handles from render calculations, which won't work on an AutoFitted version.