To render the movie takes a very long time. I wonder (if you are buying a new computer), what do you need to make it faster to render movies?
RAM memory?
Is it different for different 3D-animation software?
And what system do you have now? Processor, amount of memory, video card? It's hard to tell what would give you the most improvement if we don't know what you already have. And what's your budget?
An example of a computer I can think of:
Processor: 3.7 GHz
RAM: Memory Size 8GB
Max. RAM: 16 GB
Memory Speed: 1600 MHz
Graphics Memory: 1 GB or 2 ?
Number of cores: 2-4 ?
Though that will not be anywhere as fast as 4GB-6GB RAM nVidia cards with lots of cuda-cores. The end-result being 5x-20x faster than the best CPU's, at half the price. (Falling-back on CPU and system RAM when over 4GB-6GB for the scenes.)
How long is 'a long time'?
What are you rendering? Which renderer? What size?
Without knowing actual sizes (160 x 90 IS a 16:9 ratio, but it's thumbnail size) it's hard to say.
What are your 3Delight render settings?
What is the typical style (realisitic/toon/somewhere in between)?
Size/number of items in a scene? Lighting?
And...how long does it take?
And what system do you have now? Processor, amount of memory, video card? It's hard to tell what would give you the most improvement if we don't know what you already have. And what's your budget?
An example of a computer I can think of:
Processor: 3.7 GHz
RAM: Memory Size 8GB
Max. RAM: 16 GB
Memory Speed: 1600 MHz
Graphics Memory: 1 GB or 2 ?
Number of cores: 2-4 ?
Well... I'm building one right now, just for 3D...
Intel I7 quad core, 3.4ghz. 32gig DDR4-3200 RAM, 1070 NVidia when it's available, 960 4gig until then... I hope it'll be enough computer. I dunno...
Not doing animations, though. Just still art.
Two CPU 18-core chips (72 total threads), the fastest RAM fully populated to handle the entire scene without using swap-file...
Add two titan-X's and you are set...
Though that will not be anywhere as fast as 4GB-6GB RAM nVidia cards with lots of cuda-cores. The end-result being 5x-20x faster than the best CPU's, at half the price. (Falling-back on CPU and system RAM when over 4GB-6GB for the scenes.)