Getting no eye reflections
Hi! I'm doing a close-up portrait in Daz Studio 4.9 using Iray renderer. Everything is fine but the eyes appear dark; there is a spotlight right directly in front of her right eye, I assumed it should be reflected.
I have tried different settings for the cornea; thin glass, thin water; several refraction index (1.33 and 1.38). I have tried putting another small spotlight pointed at her eye from above and nothing. Caustics are ON on render settings... I don't know what else to try.
Here is a screen capture of what I'm seeing. What am I doing wrong? Thanks in advance.

1920 x 1080 - 470K
What are the dome settings?
If it is Dome only, then the scene lights aren't doing anything. If the camera headlamp is on, then there is a chance that it is overpowering the scene lights.
I don't think this is a problem with your eye materials—it's a lighting issue. I think there are few factors here:
Obviously the last three points cover what you actually want the scene to look like, so changing them isn't really a useful solution.
If you are really stuck, you could cheat by rendering again just for the eyes, hiding the entire hallway and using an environment dome. Then combine the renders in an image editor (i.e. erasing all but the eyes on the "eyes" render and adjusting fill or layer mode until it blends in nicely). I've done this a number of times when I couldn't get eyes to light up.
Thank you both for your help; I was using dome and scene, and the camera headlamp is OFF.
Yes, the spot light is using a point as geometry; I will try making it bigger. If not; or I don't like the results, I'll make a separate render for the eyes as you suggested.
Also, make sure that you are using the Cornea Bulge morph...set it somewhere between 90 and 100%.
I got eye reflections by deleting the specular maps for the sclera and cornea and setting the Top Coat Roughness to 1.0 for both and it I remember right the Top Coat Roughness for the sclera to 0.4 and the cornea to 0.3.
It was already at 100%.
I checked and there were no specular maps for either surfaces and their roughness values were even lower, but thanks anyway.
Finally; changing the geometry of the spotlight to a disc and increasing its size to 50x50 was enough to get it reflected and lightning is not bad either. So, thank you all for your answers, you were very helpful.
Sorry, doble post.
If the Roughness values are too low you will get only a very small pin point of reflection and the opposite at high values of 100% or above 60% is the reflection surface will be so 'rough' it will seem not to be reflective at all. I had to do tests and vary the values between 0.0 - 0.6 for the 2 models I've done that with so far. I guess the except value that will give the result you wants depends on the model & the lighting. I used only HDRI environment.
Here is the final result in case you were curious about it. It's a small reflection, but at least the eye is no longer a hole in her face.
looks super good
Thank you! :)
Glad you got that sorted—the reflection on the eye surface looks good. I thought it would be the lighting rather than surfaces or geometry. Possibly the material of the iris might be adjusted to get more reflection in the dark colour, but I've not had much luck with that.
Only the outer surface of the eye will (or should) reflect light. Anything else could cause internal reflections, and that can lead to fireflies. This can be a problem because in many Daz characters, there are multiple eye surfaces stacked one on top of the other. That can be a problem for Iray when these surfaces are transparent or semi-transparent, so exercise care in selecting the surfaces.
The eye glint didn't show up because when a spotlight or point light is set to Point, the size of that point is infinitely small. If there's any reflection at all, it is extremely tiny. You always need to change the emitter type to a geometry, and enlarge it. Keep in mind the size values are in centimeters, and of course, the distance from the light to the subject matters.
Yeah thanks, got that lesson learned for the next one. I usually don't change any eye parameters except cornea and maybe the lacrimals, since they tend to appear too white for my taste.