glossy layered weight and glossy reflectivity??

SertorialSertorial Posts: 962

I got to know the DAZ default shader pretty well but I find the iRay one really confusing.

How can I make something glossy looking? in the old shader, you just dialled up specular color/strength and increased glossiness.

But what do I do in iRay? I don't know which makes it shiny, glossy reflectivity or glossy layered weight?

Anyone know?


  • SertorialSertorial Posts: 962

    It looks like it might be easier for me to control the shader if I switch the mixing from "Metallicity/Roughness" to "Specualr/Glossiness" (at least for plastic type materials)

    I say that because "Metallicity/Roughness" contains no glossiness parameter and that's one of the most useful variables to be able to control

    Or do you think it's better to leave it as it is?

  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001

    It's one of those 'what works best for you' type things...

    One thing that is very important for Metallicity/Roughness....correct IOR values.   They are a little less critical in the Specular/Glossiness settings...which are closer to the 3Delight parameters.

    Since I only got a  64 bit version working last weekend (yep a week only) so I could play around with Iray, without having to work around the family watching TV (yes, before last weekend, the only machine with 64 bit was the HTPC) I've just been playing around with a bunch of presets and not really crafting anything new/changing things up.   I find that a properly set up M/R one is actually pretty easy to use...but it does take a bit of going back and for between the manual and the preset to make sure what I think is going on actually is...

  • SertorialSertorial Posts: 962
    mjc1016 said:

    It's one of those 'what works best for you' type things...

    One thing that is very important for Metallicity/Roughness....correct IOR values.   They are a little less critical in the Specular/Glossiness settings...which are closer to the 3Delight parameters.

    Since I only got a  64 bit version working last weekend (yep a week only) so I could play around with Iray, without having to work around the family watching TV (yes, before last weekend, the only machine with 64 bit was the HTPC) I've just been playing around with a bunch of presets and not really crafting anything new/changing things up.   I find that a properly set up M/R one is actually pretty easy to use...but it does take a bit of going back and for between the manual and the preset to make sure what I think is going on actually is...


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