Changing Prop/Character Generation point?
When working in a multi level environment, is there a way to change the point where a character/prop/plane appears? It's kind of a pain to keep having to go downstairs or upstairs to move a thing where I need it. Or is that just the nature ofthe beast and I should quit whining?
It's possible to change the location on the base plane (hold down the alt(Win)/opt(Mac) key and drag the item from the library - the target icon that appears will indicate the point that will be treated as the replacement origin). Unfortunately that doesn't affect height. One option might be to parent everything to a single node and when yu want to work on a hogher or lower floor translate that up or down, so the the floor you are working on is at zero.
You could also put in a feature request with Customer Service for adding offset options on the load dialog.
Also, mcasual has several scripts that help with placement....
Sometimes the align tool can be a godsend for repositioning objects into the right part of your scene.