Background perspective question

RuriRuri Posts: 50


Tryiing to make a car show scene here. Need some pointers on how to properly align a background, which background is best suited, is GIMP/photoshop mandatory to be used here to save time, and all that.


Car 02 with HDR Studio.png
1920 x 1200 - 2M
Car 03 with HDR Studio test bg.png
960 x 600 - 1M


  • Steven-VSteven-V Posts: 727

    You can always make a plane of the same proprtions (length/width) as your background image, and apply the background image to it (in Surfaces). Then line the plane up the way you want in the background.

    This won't work for things like roads and sidewalks like you have, though... at least not with a single background. For that you are better off buying or making a road or sidewalk surface to put the car on.

  • RuriRuri Posts: 50

    Hi Steven,

    Yes, after a few attempt at plastering the primitive plane, it just doesnt come up good. Guess a 3d prop is still the real deal, unless I'm just doing a portrait.

  • SixDsSixDs Posts: 2,384

    Many of the folks who do a lot of auto renders have a thread around here someplace that deals with issues such as this, although it is a huge, long thread at last look. I'll see if I can find it for you and edit this post if I do. Meanwhile, I believe that many such renders are done quite effectively using background images as Steven-V mentioned. The trick is to pick an image with a distinct, preferably straight demarcation between the roadway and the curb and use that to your advantage. For example, in your render (discounting the slight distortion which could be fixed in an image editor) there is a distinct curb. I would be inclined to either crop the original photo along the curb and fit it to an appropriatel-sized plane, or simply drop the plane down and align it so that the curb portion coincides with the edge of the ground plane. Apply a suitable road surface to the ground plane and you should have what you are looking for. Be back if I can locate the aforementioned thread.

  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001
    edited May 2016
  • SixDsSixDs Posts: 2,384

    Yeah, well, I got two more, mjc! cheeky  (parts II and III)

    I believe that Part I got lost in the ozone two forum updates ago.

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,876

    You can also render to a format like PNG with a transparent background and then experiment with different background image layers in Photoshop, or the editor of your choice. That way you render once and change backgrounds until you are satisfied.

  • RuriRuri Posts: 50

    Hi everyone,

    Thanks for the feedback. Will try to implement your suggestions....slowly (this thing is kicking my butt).

  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001
    SixDs said:

    Yeah, well, I got two more, mjc! cheeky  (parts II and III)

    I believe that Part I got lost in the ozone two forum updates ago.

    Yes,,,but I didn't link them because Music has the link to the previous one in the first post...

    Ruri,  which renderer?



  • Roman_K2Roman_K2 Posts: 1,253

    You can also make, buy, or download graphic material that's about 3/5 "background" and 2/5 "roadway" or ground surface (or grass) etc. This imagery may be applied to a background prop with the Surface tool.

    There are lots of these props around; one is included in the Easy Iray Lights set.

    Notes: I'm a 3-D beginner and I'm not really sure how some of this stuff works - for instance what is the magic that makes a product like the above b.g. "Iray only". I made a background prop and saved it as an .OBJ file but if I give it to you, will you also need the .MTL file that Hexagon seems to have created when I saved it to disk? I have Nerd3D's old "Backdrop Deluxe" and it was only recently that I noticed that this one came with SHADER files for many of the images. Huh?!  Why does a background tile need a shader, that's I mean when I say that some of this stuff is a mystery.

    1016 x 706 - 44K
  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001
    Roman_K2 said:

    I have Nerd3D's old "Backdrop Deluxe" and it was only recently that I noticed that this one came with SHADER files for many of the images. Huh?!  Why does a background tile need a shader, that's I mean when I say that some of this stuff is a mystery.

    1.  A lot of things called shaders aren't...they are shader presets.

    2.  Without a shader, you will only render a 'blank' item...because, at least with Studio, it will assign a 'default' shader if nothing else is assigned...and basically that has a color and not much else.

  • Roman_K2Roman_K2 Posts: 1,253

    Hmmm... from the Support Center: "When you apply a texture, you should have both the model and one or more surfaces selected.  If you have only the model selected, but do not have any surfaces selected, the shader will not apply to the model.  Model includes anything like a figure, hair, Genesis, Victoria, clothing, prop, building, and so forth in the scene that would appear in a render.

    "You can check to see what you have selected in the Scene Pane (WINDOW --> Panes --> Scene).  The model you wish to apply the shader to should be selected.

    "You can select one or more surfaces of the model in the Surfaces (Color) Pane (WINDOW --> Panes --> Surfaces.  With the model already selected, you can select the name of the model in the top left of the Surfaces Pane.  Here you can expand the name so that all the surfaces (one or more) for the particular model are displayed.  Select one or more surfaces.

    Now you can apply the shader.  If you wish the shader to be combined with the existing texture preset, you should hold down the Control (CTRL) button (Windows) or the Command (CMD) button (Mac) when you double-click the shader preset to apply.  If you do this, you'll see a window called 'Shader Preset' appear..."

    Ok, I can tell you right now that I've never used the Scene Pane and the Shader Preset window is likewise news to me!  Thanks. Still not sure what the texture preset is.

  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001

    The texture preset is the same as a material preset...that is the texture maps and settings saved to be reusable, as opposed to manually loading them in the surface pane each time you load the item.  Generally, all products/items have at least a default texture...preset.

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