please help
whenever i load 2 g3 characters and one g2 character my daz will lag. when its 3 g2 characters it runs fine. is there something i need to do with g3 characters like i did with g2 ones, where i did the "preferences" thing. do i need to do something else with g3 characters? thank
Hello, bob,
First, so you know, Daz is the company, and I believe you are using Studio.
What version are you using?
What is your system OS and configuration?
What graphic card and are the drivers up to date?
Are you trying to use 3DL or Iray?
im using daz 4.9 studio. windows 8 64 bit. sorry i dont know the answers to the other questions, since im a newbie.
Hi Bob,
"newbie" in terms of DAZ Studio, or in terms of computers? Please do not misunderstand, just trying to see how to best guide you through the process.
Also, is the slowdown with every character, or just with specific characters, like a Character that has "HD" in its name?
hi there:
basically im a newbie when it comes to computers and i guess daz. i know quite a bit but im dead sure nothing like you guys
appreciate you for chiming in :)
i was able to figure out when the g2 characters were running slow and basically fixed it, they move quick now.
the "slowdown" seems to only be happening with the g3 characters. i could best describe the movement as sluggish and glitchy.
whenever i load the genesis 1 its very fast. g2 is just a bit slower but satisfactory. but then when g3's are loaded THATS when the slowdown comes in.
i work third shift and might be going to sleep real soon, so if i dont get back to you guys, please just contribute anything you know. i really appreciate it. feeling very tired now. thanks in advance!!!!
The Genesis 3s have a HD Mouth morph dialed 100% as the default. I doubt it would make that much of a difference but you could try dialing it back to 0%.
You can look up your system information in Windows 8. As my Windows is in a different language from English, I have copied the information from the Windows help page for you.
The information listed under "System" would be useful.
here it is
You only have 4GB Ram of memory. When you load characters with large texture files, like G3, it will take up all the memory in your system. That is why the system slows down. Also, you will probably experience system crashes if you try to render in Iray.
hmm thought that might be it. will deleting stuff on my computer do anything or should i just buy another laptop with greater storage in the future?
You can see memory consumption if you presst ALT-CTRL-DEL keys at the same time, and open the task manager. You can leave the task manager open, and see how the memory ist filled up with each character you load.
A Genesis character usually needs around 1 GB memory.
Deleting stuff from your computer won't do really help, it needs more RAM not more disk space.
Not sure what model it is but you might be able to add another RAM stick or swap the ones you have for bigger ones.
Minimum RAM is 8, the more the better. I have 16 on my system, and it still crashes when I try to render 3 characters in Iray.
The RAM is kind of like brain "storage", that is between the brain (CPU) and the hard drive, and holds the program and all data that the CPU needs to access quickly. For regular stuff, like internet, Office and watching video, and even playing most games, 4GB RAM is more than sufficient. With 3D and video/image editing, you can end up very fast in the "not enough memory" territory, because the RAM can't hold enough data to keep the CPU "working and informed". Kind of like when you are doiung good and well as long as you have to keep the shopping list in your memory, but when you suddenly have to remember the shopping list, all the birthdates of your neighbors, and the jacket color of the people you met in the past 20 years, your memory would not be able to store all that information, and you'd start yelling and screaming, before getting drunk to erase all that useles information. ;-)
Since you just started out with this, and buying a new computer is a large investment, I suggest that you try rendering just one character at a time. When I started out with this 3D hobby, my computer had similar settings to yours. After about a month or so, I realized that "this is what I want to do".. I've spent part of my savings to buy a new computer, which I thought was, like, "woah" in my inexperienced eyes. After a few months more, I sorely miss the extra 16GB, and the better NVidea graphic card, but that were 800 bucks I was not willing to invest at the time.
I recommend you have a look at the two threads below. They will give you an idea what you are facing. If you want to do this rendering stuff seriously, you are facing anywhere up from 1500 bucks for a halfway decent computer. Also, you will have long rendertimes to look at, so a laptop might not be the best choice (not sure about the gaming level type of laptop).
Best way is to set up the scene and then do multiple renders with the single charctersand cmbinethe renders then in photoshop / gimp / etc.
this technique is called layering.
and yes if you have a serious interest in 3D Computergraphic you will ned more ram midterm.
At least 16gb more is allways better
wow thanks guys for all your help and info. appreciate it!!!!
Another thing that will help. "but not sure how much"
when you load in your G3 charactor's, they default to High Resolution (Head and Body) you can change them to Base Resolution Level.
select your G3 char in the scene tab then go to Parameters tab, click on "All" at about 11 sliders down you will see "Resolution Level" option choose base.
now this WILL effect your render !!! they will have blocky ears
So here IS a better way.
Leave "Resolution Level" to High Resolution but Turn down SubDivision Level ( its right under "Resolution Level") to 0
and put Render SubD Level on 2
this way it will NOT effect your render just your work area