Aaaaargh! New problems! So NOW what am I doing wrong..?

Just when I'm thinking I'm figuring things out... So I used a premade pose on G2 then I wanted to alter it so I clicked on a body part with the universal tool and she's not selectable! In the the content pane Genesis 2 is no longer selected. The hair is selectable, the dress is, but not G2. I have selectable ON in the content pane under display, I don't see any pins from the pose.... I can't even select her for surfaces with the surfaces tool. The only way to select her for movement is to go to the content pane, get Genesis 2 back up and then use the pose controls. But I still can't select her with any tool. The second I click on her with any tool, Genesis 2 resets to null in the content pane... Any ideas what happened this time? Thanks...
Does she show as selectable in the Scene pane? Can you toggle it there if she isn't?
Yes, she is selectable in the scene pane, but if I click on her, it becomes unselected...
In the Scene pane, do you have an arrow with a check mark by Genesis 2, or do you have an arrow with an X by Genesis 2? If you click on the arrow icon, it can be changed from check mark (selectable) to X (not selectable). Perhaps you are accidentally clicking on that without realizing what it does.
Yes, there's a check mark...
What is the "content pane" that you are referring to? Exactly what is the title of that pane tab? Are you talking about "Content Library" or something else?
This is crazy, I don't know what I did, but now she's selectable with the surface tool, but still not with the universal tool...
I give up. Starting over...