Sayin' Hello

Hello Brycers! I'm IceScribe, and I have been using Bryce since version 5.0. Saw a copy of it at a CompUSA store, and then the store and the software disappeared after a while. I came to DAZ a while back because I saw that Bryce was alive and well here, and downloaded 5.5 immediately. I have the Bryce 7 Pro since it came out, and I'm sure it still has more features than I've discovered. I just have to say I really like the quality of the renders and the sort of light effect it has.
From there I naturally ventured into DAZ just at the cusp of V2 becoming V3 and was very confused. I finally realized part of my confusion was I needed a bigger faster computer than I had. A birthday surprise gave me that, and since then I've enjoyed posing Vicky and Mike and exporting them to Bryce. I was amazed to find the Bridge later that imported the textures. That saved hours! That's from DAZ3 to Bryce 7, Daz 4 is very iffiy. If I only use the Genesis built ins, it works, any other older stuff, it crashes. I don't mind DAZ 3 as it works for me to get stuff into Bryce. I don't know how to render in DAZ, and I prefer the Bryce 360 option rather than a stage backdrop.
Even after all this time, I'm no expert so I'm looking forward to learning and sharing here on the forum.
Hey IceScribe - welcome to the pack. I've also started with 5.0 but have been at it nearly daily. I can confirm that I still haven't mastered everything. Great times are ahead. Just ask your questions and there are many hanging around in these forums that are only too glad to be of help.
I have had Bryce since it came to Daz. I still am not sure what I am doing. I tried to help my mum make a palm tree with the Bryce 7, but every attempt was terrible. I could not figure out how to help her make a simple palm tree.
I couldn't do that either. I get it from the objects library. :red:
There is a palm tree in the objects library? Is that with the content that came with Bryce 7 or something that I would have to buy? or is it a freebie that I can download? My mum would prefer if it was with the free program or freebie.
I have bought some Bryce stuff in the past though, but I do not know how to find which Bryce items in my itemized order history I need to reset.
A cat just walked across my keyboard just to lay down behind the notebook.
Rashad is the guy to ask for both the OP IceScribe and Miss Bad Wolf.
I think Rashad has done more with using the brdige from DS to Bryce than anyone. I still use Poser to prep my figures before taking them into Bryce.
I think Rashad has also made some very nice Palm tress, but he would need to give you the link, as it was on the old site that he mentioned it.
And Cats on the keboard are a hazard in this household as well, but I am being stern with my two and telling them no when they try to get on the desk.
Bad memory on my part. No, there are none in the objects library. Palms can be done with the Tree Lab. The picture was rendered in 2003 and uses palms made in Bryce. They could be done much better. There are also very nice tropical palms in the store here by Estevez: and not too expensive.
I typed my answer yesterday but DAZ pulled the plug and the site went offline while I typed.
Hi there icescribe, welcome to bryce and insanity. My first experience with Bryce was version 2 or 3 can't remember which but I found it on a site called runaware or something which enabled you to trial all sorts of software. I've been using Bryce for over 10 years and I'm still learning. Unfortunately I don't have a lot of time to spend Bryceing as I would like, maybe soon that will change.
Hi All,
thank you for the warm welcome! It feels good to be among other Bryce users. And no doubt, I'll have some questions, and maybe can help with some others', too.
Sorry late getting back here, yesterday I could not get into DAZ account. First time it was slow logging in. Second time, search store brought up weird things, and finally I decided to purchase 1 thing not on sale, not coupons, just easy-peasy purchase, but oh no, the cart got hung up, then the submittal hung up, and then I "broke" DAZ, and a site maintenance message came up. So I wandered off to, ahem, other sites, hungry for some stuff. But looks like DAZ is back up today, although it did not remember my log in.
Didn't get any useful renders either. Crashed DAZ on export several times and then Bryce. I guessed it was memory issues. Restarting my puter helped. Soon I will get my wip just about right, and I hope to share it here.
@IceScribe - do not be alarmed, this site is a bit iffy at the moment. I also got thrown out yesterday when posting. Theses are the hiccups of a new site and it will be stable "soon".
OOh Horo just used that nasty 4 letter word S***
The Mods have decided that Anon sounds better, has a nice shakesperian ring to it. So it will be stable anon. :coolsmirk:
Funny, I just took Love's Labour's Lost from the bookshelf yesterday in the hope to find the time to read it again. Mayhap I'll encounter anon and it sticks in my active vocabulary.
Welcome to the madhouse, you may never leave!
But if you want to, Len (pumeco) is the go-to guy for top leaving tips. He's so good at leaving he even knows how to get back in.
Ahh, I think I understand why some threads with newer updates are relegated to ancient history - they are internally marked as awaiting moderator approval.
Sorry DAZ, a policy of
"anything not mandatory is prohibited"
is suitable for totalitarian states, not free-market business.. Whither ye....
Instead of wittering nonsense, have you tried changing your name back to PJF now the changeover has been done?
Regards the threads getting left behind instead of updating on the index; I actually thought they'd implemented a Renderosity style system at first, but then I saw a notice in The Commons about it. They say it's a bug and they're working on it. I'm just thankful it is a bug and not a new way of doing things.
Nice theorizing, but no, posts don't require pre-approval. The problem is that threads are listed in order of the initial post -- later posts do not bump the thread to the top. It's on the list to be fixed.
thank you for the welcome.
Speaking of madness, I have been working on a couple of projects which I hope to share soon. But I ether crash DAZ3 or crash Bryce7, first from sending to Bryce, and if that works, then Bryce crashes when I work on the textures. I succesfully created something in DAZ4 I guess with the Autofit, although I don't see that term anywhere. A dialog comes up and asks what original model a garment item was made for and fits it on the default Genesis. I did get that model to Bryce, but had to reboot the computer after a few tries. DAZ still doesnt seem to let go of memory even when properly quit, and eventually I imagine the path is clogged, like a vacuum cleaner hose. I wonder if there is a "coathanger" to unclog the memory rather than having to reboot?
Sorry to hear of the problems, but wouldn't know where to start to fix it.
Ever since I first saw Poser, I've always wanted to have figures, dynamic hair, and dynamic cloth in one program, and that would be a program I could stick to and master. I've tried, over the years, to get along with importer/exporters, but it's all crap, all of it. No matter what program I've tried, no matter how cheap or expensive - it's all crap.
At least when it comes to transferring stuff, there's always something that doesn't work.
Bryce is my all time favourite 3D app, but I don't even have it installed now. It's a waste of time for me because the figure importers/exporters don't, and never have, done what they're supposed to do in a reliable fashion. And even if they did, I think in the year 2012 it's a bit much to be rendering with static hair and cloth even if it did work.
So I started looking into DAZ Studio, which is nice, but there's too much stuff going on, too complicated for simple tasks, options all over the place, and we're still, after two years now, without any glimpse of a way to "Clothify" our own clothes. Great plugin, but as usual, something that was supposed to be coming still hasn't turned up. As the basis of the technology has been in use for years now, I can only assume that no "Clothify" function is ever going to materialise.
I see Poser as currently my only option, and I regret dropping it all those years back. At least with Poser you get a better interface (sort of Bryce like), and you actually have both dynamic hair and dynamic cloth in the same program as the figure and animation abilities. That means problems with pathetic importers/exporters are out of the picture.
To me, all this inter-app transfer crap is the 3D equivalent of what Apple practice; manipulation I don't agree with - and won't be forced into. I'd rather go back to pencil and paper, produce artwork that is original, physical, and sellable - and save myself an absolute fortune in software in the process. The only purchases I've made for 3D recently is for the muscle morphs and some dynamic cloth. Not a penny more is being spent on 3D until I can actually do what I expect to be able to do, without bugs stopping me, without lack of features stopping me, and without messy interfaces stopping me.
As you can see, I share your frustration.
I have to admit I use Poser as the way to set up my figures before transferring them into Bryce, have done since buying P3, back in the day (started on Bryce2) Ok It takes a bit of work tweaking and sorting out the texture settings, but once you have a workflow going it is much my preferred way of working.
I don't know Poser software. It seems expensive to me for my level of skill. Maybe one of these days...soon ;-)
Meanwhile, I've worked on importing various objects to Bryce. Some were sent through the bridge from DAZ if I'm feeling lazy and don't want to have to go find the textures. Others I add my own textures. I'll be working on a pose for V4 but I am happy with the set so far. Here's my first post of this work. Credits are lengthy...available upon reequest. I've used many artists' contributions, freebies and purchased from various sites. I start out with an object and build around it. I liked the galvanized tub.. Many years ago, I stayed at a farm in Northern California. They had a tiny bathhouse built from recycled materials. It was so cozy and comfortable. Actually simpler than this
room I created. But I hope I captured the ambience.