d-former help?
I found a tutorial on this and tried to follow it. I have the area I want want to alter inside the sphere, I placed the base and the handle at the location on the surface I want to deform but then I move the handle to actually do it, it moves the base as well and nothing changes. The tutorial didn't really cover that. I think it assumes I know more than I do. Can anyone help? I think I'm just missing a step or two.
Make sure you are selecting the DForm, not the DForm Base - it may be easiest to do this in the Scene pane rather than in the viewport.
Okay so if I'm remembering right, The DForm handle and base are listed under DFormer in the scene tab. So I select the Dform itself then pull the handle in scene with my mouse? Is that right?
Make sure when you have the field selected that you can see its influence zones on your figure/object. Sometimes when you apply a deformer it does not appear to be working because it is not actually 'on' your object. You can determine where the field actually is by moving it around until you see it show up on the object (a yellow to red gradient spherical grid showing degree of influence), then position/scale it appropriately. You can ignore the base until you know where your field is. Once you have the field where you want it switch to the deformer (or the base) to do the actual deforming. Again, I would ignore the base and fiddle with just the deformer at first, the base is useful but you can do quite a bit just by playing with the deformer dials in the parameters tab (scale trans x.y.z, rotate).
The location of the base is crucial when scaling and/or rotating as it is the origin point.
I don't know. I keep end up jerking the skin through the clothing. The base is touching the clothing but I'm pulling skin through the clothes.
You have the D-Former applied to the model instead of the clothing.
How do I avoid that? What I do is create the D-Former and move it to the area of clothing I want to affect. I don't parent it to anything. It's a red orb, I scale it down and move it (and this may be where I'm going wrong) so that the orb is half way inside the cothing and half out. Looking at YouTube tutorials isn't easy, they either have no sound, are in german, or made to show pregnancy which isn't what I'm looking for. Though it does seem in older versions of Daz, yellow dots appear to show the area that the D-Former is going to effect. I don't see those when I try.
What I'm trying to do is a "noir" piece with a guy doing the old gun in his pocket "put'em up!" thing so i have to D-Form the clothes. Does anyone know of a tutorial in plain English that explains how to do this? Any by plain English I mean, won't talk over my head or assume I know more than I do?
Thanks in advance for any tips! :)
You have been just dropping a deformer into your scene but not actually applying it to anything so it is not working.
To add a deformer to a clothing item, figure, or whatever, FIRST you select the item you want to deform, then you create the deformer (and it will be parented to the item and affect only that item).
So to deform pants select the pants by going to the scene tab and clicking on pants in the list, then add the deformer, and go to the scene tab and verify the deformer is in fact parented to the pants.
Select the deformer field in the scene tab and look in the scene to see if the deformer is showing up on the pants. Not the red sphere mind you mentioned, we are looking for the deformer influence field, so if you do not see the deformer dots then move the field around until you do. Then scale and position the feld until its deep red center is on a pocket and the red to yellow gradient extends maybe a few inches outward onto the fabric of the pants around the pocket. This will likely take quite a bit of fiddling to both position it and scale it down so small.
Once you are happy with the deformer location and size, grab the deformer itself (not the field) and pull it out from the pants, if you have done everything correctly you should see the pants being deformed.
Adjust as necessary.
Thats the very basics.
Here's a tutorial on using deformers to adjust clothing fit, and in english to boot:
Gederix, THANK YOU. I've been fiddleing with this concept off and on for a few months, I get frustrated then give up. And you're 100% right on what I was doing. The tut I have didn't include that first crucial step. Thanks for taking the time. I really appreciate it.