How to use "select morph vertices" on parameters tab
There is a selection in the menu for the parameters tab that says "select morph vertices".
I'm *hoping* that this enables you to limit the effects of a morph to just those vertices but if it's true I can't get it to work.
Has anyone played with this and knows how to get it to work (assuming that *is* what it's for)?
Or.... can one of the DAZ heavyweights step in and list the steps please?
It's there only if the Geometry Editor or Node Weight Paint Brush tool is active - it is another way (of which I was not aware) to select geoemtry, but it doesn't in itself allow modifying a morph.
Thanks for answering.
In any case, I have figured out the answer....
What I was trying to do was bring morphs across from genesis or g2f to g3f. I successfully managed to do so using kattey's method (posted somewhere else on this forum).
BUT.... because the zero pose of g2f is different than that of g3f what happened was the arms and fingers were screwed up when I tried to pose it. I was hoping that "select morph vertices" enabled only to e.g. affect the selected vertices with the morph (in this case I wanted to transfer only the head morph from g2f not the entire shape of g2f). It didn't work though.
What DOES work is this: follow the kattey method to get the g2f morph shape into g3f as a g3f morph using clones.
THEN.... export the g3f base shape (no g2f morph dialled in) with base resolution and subdivision 0.
THEN.... export the g3f with the g2f morph dialled all the way to 100% with base resolution and subdivision 0.
THEN.... import the g3f base shape into zbrush, set it as a morph target.
THEN... import the g2f saved export into zbrush over top.
THEN... with the "morph brush", paint over all of the parts you DON'T want to morph. What this does is revert the parts you don't want to morph back to the original morph target of g3f. In my case I only wanted the head so I painted over the entire body EXCEPT the head, thus leaving the head morph in place and the standard base g3f body for the rest.
THEN... export the combination morph out of zbrush
THEN.... import the combination morph back into daz using morph loader
and HEY PRESTO... you have a *fixed* g3F base model with the g2f head morph. Magic!!!!