What am I doing wrong???

WonderlandWonderland Posts: 7,056
edited April 2016 in New Users

Just when I think I'm figuring things out...

I have G2 loaded and double click on a V4 MAT in the content pane. There is a V4 UV for G2. But nothing happens. At all. I double click and nothing loads. I have G2 selected with the materials tool. I tried both materials in Poser format and in the DAZ format format folder. What am I doing wrong? Thanks.

Screen Shot 2016-04-26 at 4.06.28 PM.png
3482 x 2242 - 2M
Post edited by Wonderland on


  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,845
    edited April 2016

    To apply a V4 MAT to Genesis 2 Female the preset needs to be in .duf format because the name of the material zones changed between V4 and G2F.

    A .duf preset will handle the "surface matching" but .pz2 or DS presets in older formats can't. So you'll have to convert your material presets to .duf first.


    edit: if you have a lot of V4 characters you want to use on G2F there's a script available in the store to do batch conversion of presets:


    Post edited by Leana on
  • WonderlandWonderland Posts: 7,056

    Great! Thanks!

  • mob342002mob342002 Posts: 3
    edited April 2016

    Ok so I'm new at 3D art, and also i'm still learning as I go along. However with my lastest project trying to create armor and clothing for Genesis2 and genesis3 figures im having a bit of an issue. I model in Zbrush, and again with that im still learning to model as well, but basically after I model any clothing in zbrush I goz back to daz studio; and no matter what I do my modelled clothes after using transfer utility I get hideous results. Ok in image1 you can see I start out with the basic Genesis 3 female figure and transfer it to zbrush. Image2 explains how im transferring the figure to zbrush. So after I have modelled a very basic piece of body armor for my (wonder woman) genesis 3 figure I goz it back to daz studio shown in image3 and in image4. I convert the armor to sub division surface and it transfers to daz studio flawlessly (at least I think it does).. shown in image5. My next step I convert the prop to figure shown in image6 and adjust rigging to shape in image7 and in image8. Next I apply smoothing modifier in shown in image9. After Im finished with that I use the transfer utility to my figure. My process using transfer utility is shown in (image10,11,12,13,14,). After transfer utility, my armor is set to my genesis 3 model; but however after I use a simple pose I end up with what is shown in image15, and as I apply any body morph I get horrible results shown in image16. I have watched several tutorials none of them have explained my issue so i figured I'll try to ask the professionals as to what i'm doing wrong or forgetting to do for this matter? Thanks.

    Image removed for nudity. Please see this thread for info: http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/3279/acceptable-ways-of-handling-nudity
    Post edited by fixmypcmike on
  • mob342002mob342002 Posts: 3
    edited May 2016


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    Post edited by mob342002 on
  • KarenKaren Posts: 101

    Is the armor double sided (thickened)? Seems as if smooth modifier is forcing some inner polygons to the outside.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,866

    First, if you need to show bare skin switch to smooth shaded view (and ideally change the diffuse/base colour on mdoel or figure so that there is a contrast).

    Now, you don't need to don any of the converting prop to fiugre or adjusting rigging to shape - those steps are not used in creating conforming clothing, and the latter is used only when you have established the base rigging and are adjusting to suit a morph not n a newly rigged figure.

    If your figure is morphed as you model around it you need to select the source shape, as I think you did, and check reverse Soruce Shape from Target, which you didn't. However, you need to bear in mind that this is throwing in a  double pojection (from miorphed shape back to base, rig, and then auto-follow to generate a morph matching the shape applied to the figure: you coudl load the original model, if you'd exported it as OBJ from DS or ZBrush, as a custom morph on the suit. It does look to me as if your model is very high-resolution, which may be giving the projection routines trouble - trying to work at a lower resolution, more comparable to the base Genesis mesh, where possible may give better results.

  • mob342002mob342002 Posts: 3
    edited May 2016

    Thanks for the feedback Richard, however I will have to redo my attachments because all the pics are not there. But I have been wrecking my brain trying to figure out what im doing wrong. Yes Karen the armor is thickened also, but as stated im still new at this modelling thing so im kinda slow figuring out what everything means.

    Post edited by mob342002 on
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,866

    The armour is not covering the groin so the figure still need smooth shaded mdoe.

    As I said, skip from 7 straight to 12 - the intermediate steps aren't needed (you can apply a Smoothing Modifier once the basic rigging si done, but it will probably just confuse the issue initially - the other steps aren't needed at all). You need to check Reverse Source Shape from Target in 20.

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