Michael 4 Jai Hair???

in New Users
i´m new into DAZ 3D.
I had shown some Videos and Read Manual.
I bought Michael 4 Starter Bundle (Michael 4 Base, Morph++, Jai Hair, Skin Maps, Styling) and then i bought Muscle Maps too.
Some Problems i had to put Jair Hair for M4 into the scene. Drag and Drop and double click will not work to put it on the M4 Actor?
Only Head Hair Short Will be to the Actor.
Shapeing for Eye and Mouth will not work on doubleclick and Dragn Dropt too?
Muscle Maps will Work fine.
Thanks for Help
The hair: are you loading the hair, from the hair or figure library, or a material setting for the hair?
The morphs: if you are loading one of the morph injections they don't set the morph, they load it (if it isn't already loaded, from the Inject all pose of from the options in the loader dialogue) into the figure ready for use but it's up to you to set the slider to the desired value (these ar the building blocks for shape and expression, not final looks).