360 Degrees or Spherical Backgrounds
Hi, I've been using Daz for a month now, and I'm trying to get a little bit deeper with it. Only trying, of course, after a month. I managed to put together a scene that I like with three characters, and I learn a bit about lights, skin rendering, and son on. Being new to 3D stuff, I have some problems with backgrounds. What I noiticed that, I know it will sound stupid to you, backgrounds, or backdrops, are 2 dimensional, right. So I understood, after a while, that not matter which way you look at the scene, the background stays there. I know sorry. What I would like to do, and I read that is possible but I didn't understand how, is to position and lock my scene inside a sphere with a spherical image atatched to the inside of the sphere. Then moving around I can take different shot of the same scene, from different position and the background will change. Well, like in real life, basically, more or less. Do you think it can be done? How? There is any product that I can buy, not expensive, that does that? Maybe I can also reverse engineering that product a little bit, and understand how is done, and simply chancing the pciture inside to my liking. Any help is appreciated. Thank You.
Are you talking about Iray or 3DL?
In 3DL, you can use something like Flipmode's Easy Environments series: Example: http://www.daz3d.com/speed-render-stages
They have box form, so you could probably adapt them to your needs.
In Iray, you can use HDRI. If you switch the Dome to "ON", it will show you the surrounding in your render. An example for a purchase HDRI with camera and ready to use settings would be http://www.daz3d.com/apocalyptic-plant-outdoors-set-1-iray-hdris There are plenty of free HDRI out there, too. Or you use something like this: http://www.daz3d.com/iray-worlds-skydome
Iray comes with a built.in spherical device (finite of infinite sphere) which takes HDRI and other images, and is usually used for lighting, but also for backdrop.
Hi, and thanks for answering. I meant Iray, sorry. Great, I didn't know you could actually do that. I tried now and with the free ibl images that I found, result are not so good. I'll do some more testing. I also tried to create a sphere with the default setting, and then I apllied as a surface, a pic of my liking sized at 6000 x 3000, resize the sphere and put my scene inside. That was an idea a guy was suggesting in this forum. It's acctually not that bad. Now I can move around my scene and take shots from different angle and the background image will change. There are is some stiching. But those pics I have used weren't panorama pics. I think I need pics taken in panorama mode and 6000 x 3000, I think. I had a look at those products and I may try one of those too. Thanks again.