How do I load an image map?

in New Users
I have downloaded some nice maps for Hivewire Horse from Lyne's Creations. Trouble is, I have NO idea how to load them, as the author's tutorial is for poser and I don't use that! Could I have some help on how to load the maps to my figure in DAZ studio?
What format is it in? Is it DAZ Studio or Poser content that you install like any other content, or is it just a .jpg or something? If just a .jpg, then load your horse, and with the surface selection tool active select a surface. In the Surfaces pane, there should be a diffuse parameter, and on the left end of it there should be a thumbnail image. you can click that and from the context menu you can browse to and select a different image instead (the .jpg you downloaded.) If you have a corresponding bump map you would also need to do something simlar for that. Then you would need to repeat the process for every surface that you want to change.
When you choose a location to put your image in, note that it is possible for DAZ Studio to get confused and select a different image file with the same name from a different location the next time you open your DAZ scene. One way around this is to create a uniquely named subfolder within a mapped DAZ Studio native content folder.
Thanks very much, that worked perfectly :)