Making a new Character Base

Hey everyone, kinda new to the animation scene. I'm a budding game designer (even have a project in the works!) and that is sort of why I'm here.
I'm gearing for a simplistic, cel-shaded look, and I want my characters to reflect that. I've been playing around with some of the onboard presets, and they all look fairly realstic and I need something a bit more smoothed out and stylized. Sounds like I need to make them myself, which works because I'd love the experience. That said, I'm not entirely sure if I can even use this program to create a new character mesh/base? At least, I don't see any tutorials for it in the program itself, so I was wondering if anyone here has an idea on where to point me to get started on that.
New base / mesh for a game is a lot of learning and a lot of work even after you've learned. Use Blender and head over the CG Cookie and buy a Citizen subscription to their tutorials. You have 6 - 12 months of learning ahead of you if you are earnest with your studies.