Why is Victoria 4.2 Not Opening in Nude Form
I'm new to DAZ Studio (despite my join date) and really fairly lost. I recently opened the figure Victoria 4.2 in DAZ Studio and noticed she was not nude, but wearing some kind of purple bikini. I prefer all my character figures open as nudes (I'll often paint clothing on in PS, but "I" want to decide what gets covered by those clothes, or not.) I looked and looked in DAZ Studio (no separate clothing), and searched the forums here, but I can find no solution.
How can I either remove the bikini Victoria 4.2 opens with in DS, or how can I have her open to a nude state (preferred). I assume this is something relatively simple, but I can't figure it out.
The purple bikini is painted on to the skin that V4 loads with. You will need to replace the skin.
You can get lots of free skins for V4 at ShareCG.
If you look in "Content Library > DAZ Studio Formats > People > Victoria 4 > Materials > V4 Sample-Res" there should be a material preset named "!All_Natural_NG", I believe that's the one without the bikini.
"I assume this is something relatively simple"
Actually, no, it is not. If you simply want to change the texture once the base figure has loaded, that is fairly simple and is what most people will do, and what the others responding are suggesting.
If, on the other hand, you simply must have the figure load with something other than the default texture (with the fake bikini), that is possible, but not exactly easy. What you would need to do is edit the file that loads V4: Victoria 4.2.cr2. That is the file that instructs DAZ Studio to load V4 with the default purple bikini texture. It is found in YourContentFolder\runtime\libraries\Character\DAZ People\. If you wished V4 to open automatically with the plain (non-bikini) texture that comes with the model as Fixmypcmike suggested, you must open the .cr2 in a text editor and change the references to two texture maps: the one for the torso and the one for the face. These entries appear in the file as Runtime:textures:DAZ:Characters:MilWom:V4:V4SmplTorsoM_BKN.jpg and Runtime:textures:DAZ:Characters:MilWom:V4:V4SmplFaceM_BKN.jpg. All references within the .cr2 file to either of these must be changed to Runtime:textures:DAZ:Characters:MilWom:V4:V4SmplTorsoM_NG.jpg and Runtime:textures:DAZ:Characters:MilWom:V4:V4SmplFaceM.jpg, respectively. There are multiple references to both within the file that need to be changed.
However, I would suggest that you not bother. You are only going to end up with a plain V4 texture anyway, with a flesh tone in place of the bikini (no nipples, etc.). For full nude details, you'll need a more detailed set of texture maps, with many available both free and for purchase. If you wanted one of those to load automtically with V4, that is even more complicated, since you would need to replace not just the two texture maps I mentioned, but all of them (eyes, limbs, etc.) and probably add to that any special maps that the better texture probably comes with like bump maps, specular maps, normal maps, etc.. So in the end, you may just wish to do what the rest of us do and load your preferred texture after the base model has loaded. It doesn't take much time or effort, really.
It's not that complicated, apply the material preset you like and save as a scene subset. I inject all the morphs and save as a scene subset, because when you inject the Poser-format morph data it requires memory for each morph, but when you load a .duf file it doesn't.
(My highlighting) - wow, is that true? You learn something (useful) every day!
Yes it is true. Additional bonus of using the Scene subset version is that it will load faster.
Thanks for your many suggestions! I do appreciate your replies! But I guess I don't have a good enough understanding of DAZ Studio to use your suggestions.
Yes, I need a different skin for V4 - if I only knew how to do that, I wouldn't need to ask here. :)
I appreciate the pointer to ShareCG, but I couldn't find any skins for V4, should I be looking for Shaders, or Characters? Pretty confusing for me.
I found the file "!All_Natural_NG" in the location you suggested, but how do I access that through DS?
I do have some... what I call "characters" for V4 (I guess mostly body and face morphs) that I bought years ago (Karyn by Sabby and CarlottaLove by Rhiannon, in particular) but I can't figure out how to install them in DS - through the installer or manually. I need to explore a FAQ or user guide for DS - nothing is really make much sense to me...
Sorry for my ineptitude! Maybe I should be posting in the Clueless Noob forum. But thanks for the replies!
All the best!
If you bought them through the Daz store, those characters will be in your downloads...so you can grab the manual zip files or use the DIM to install them. They will appear somewhere, in the Poser format section of your Content Library...a preset that you click on.
To apply the preset Mike mentioned above, simply make sure V4 is selected and the just double click on the preset...that is what you do for any preset.
Evidently I didn't get these 2 characters through DAZ (5 or 6 years ago, I think), so I guess it was RDNA (is that the name?), because I remember one of the character was presented naked (sorry to keep referencing nudity), and that image stuck in my mind. And if there was a "Poser format", I surely chose that, as Poser was my character modeller at the time. Is there a way to use or convert characters made for Poser into DS format? I have a handful of characters, and hair and clothes, and some fancy flying machines as well! Hope I can use them in DS, some way!
And SixDs, I didn't see your comments when I posted my reply above or I would have replied a little differently (failed to refresh page before replying, I suppose), as your detailed insight into these processes explianed a few things, and reminded me (been away from 3D modelling for awhile) of others!
Thanks all!
I just saw that Victoria 7 is available for ~$32. Would the addition of V7 resolve my tabula rasa desires? Or is she going to open in a white bikini? And is investing in V7 the right way to go, as the Genesis 3 Female seems like the new girl in town?
Is there any way to know if my hair, shoes, dresses, and other accessories for V4 will fit properly, or at all, on V7?
If you install them into your Daz content library, they will be found under Content Library > Poser Formats >Materials/Pose/etc...
Thanks, mjc1016! I'll give that a try!
The downside to genesis 3 V7 right now is that she is so new and there isn't as many assets available the way they are for Genesis 2. If you are getting started, I would recommend Genesis 2 V6 which has many options available and honestly generation 6 can hold up pretty well to Genesis 3. I have a few Genesis 3 models I use and often find myself using Genesis 2 Gen 6 along side them simply because of their versatility and the quality difference isnt very noticable. The big advantage of Genesis 2 is the huge library of morphs available like creature creator.
You can get around the Genesis 3 problem by getting "Wear them All" which has had about an 80-90% success rate of converting clothes for me. Although V4/M4 are ones I have problems with.
You mentioned that you were familliar with using Poser,.
Daz Studio is almost the same workflow for loading a "figure" from the "library" and applying a Skin or textures to that figure, by browsing the "Poses" section of the library, and double clicking a thumbnail icon to apply that to the figure.
If you load V4 in Daz Studio,.(from the "Figures" section of your Poser formats Library (see pic) then go to the (Poser formats) Content Library,. and browse through the "POSES" secton of that library.
Super helpful insight, Myerz80. G2 V6 it is then! Yeah, I noticed the lack of extras when searching through the DAZ Store sections for V7 items. (love your Reboot/Young Enzo ref. BTW!). As for the many V4 extras I have collected, I'll just have to see if they'll work or not, and sounds like that "Wear Them All" helper may be at least a partial answer! Thanks!
I do realize there are some similarities with the workflow of Poser and DS. But it's the differences, like the smart filter, that throw me sometimes - also I waste a LOT of time and get frustrated trying to find things! And I must say I used Poser 4 a ton (yes, ancient history)! But then found P6 to be kind of alienating, but I struggled through. Stepped away for music and live model work. Now I've gotten older, lost a little of my cognitive functions, and really feel like I'm starting over. I tried DS before, but abandoned it due to lack of progress. I'm determined to give DS my best this time! Don't know that I've ever been a particularly quick learner, except in music, but now it's a definite struggle! I'm ridiculously right-brained! But all these many tips and ideas really help me make the connections with the tools I need!
Thanks again, everyone!!!
Edit: Now I see (specifically) what your attachment was demonstrating, 3DAGE! Thank you!