How can I alter (make smaller or bigger) the size of my renders? What are the ramifications of doing that? Longer/shorter render times? Decreased/Increased picture quality? Just curious if anyone knows.
Size is set in the General parameter group in Render Settings - make sure the preset isn't set to Active Viewport, though, and turn off Preserve Aspect Ratio if you want to change the proportions. Generally increasing the size will slow the process down. One thing you may need to check on is the SSS settings for skin (and anything else using SSS) in 3Delight as some things are scale dependent.
I try this but am always stuck with Active Viewport size or smaller if I render using a camera (eg Full body Camera preset from Starter Essentials) and the render is the size of the viewport or smaller than active viewport if I choose any of the size or ratio drop downs.
I'd like to use camera view clipped or grown to nearly UHD size.
Make sure that Use Local Dimensions isn't On for the camera in the Parameters pane (or adjust the settings on the camera if it is on and you want to keep it that way).
Are you rendering in the viewport or a new window? I always use new window.
New Window. I am waiting til I get 16 GB RAM to try bigger renders. I am wanting to see how the size of a render affects the effectiveness of the Genesis 3 default surfaces for things like the Victoria 7 materials presets for example as I am still learning DAZ Studio.
Size is set in the General parameter group in Render Settings - make sure the preset isn't set to Active Viewport, though, and turn off Preserve Aspect Ratio if you want to change the proportions. Generally increasing the size will slow the process down. One thing you may need to check on is the SSS settings for skin (and anything else using SSS) in 3Delight as some things are scale dependent.
Herer is a screen capture of the Iray Render Settings showing the area you need to change.
I try this but am always stuck with Active Viewport size or smaller if I render using a camera (eg Full body Camera preset from Starter Essentials) and the render is the size of the viewport or smaller than active viewport if I choose any of the size or ratio drop downs.
I'd like to use camera view clipped or grown to nearly UHD size.
Make sure that Use Local Dimensions isn't On for the camera in the Parameters pane (or adjust the settings on the camera if it is on and you want to keep it that way).
Thanks Richard.
Are you rendering in the viewport or a new window? I always use new window.
New Window. I am waiting til I get 16 GB RAM to try bigger renders. I am wanting to see how the size of a render affects the effectiveness of the Genesis 3 default surfaces for things like the Victoria 7 materials presets for example as I am still learning DAZ Studio.