Poses zeroing out Parameters - how to fix?

How can I load a pose and keep my figure's Parameter settings? 

I mean the percentage settings for each body part in the Parameters tab.  I like to manually edit those to customize characters.

When I load a Genesis 1 or Genesis 2 pose (like those that come with Daz), the pose loads but zeros out all my manually edited parameter settings.


If I manually pose a figure, save it, and load it, it works fine, but not if I use any other genesis 1 or genesis 2 poses.

V4 poses respect my Parameter settings and work. 


  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019
    edited April 2016

    Lock the parameter. When you look into the parameter tab, you will find a little, opened lock on the right side of each value. Click on it, so that the symbol changes to a closed lock. This will prevent any other pose overriding this particular setting.

    Post edited by BeeMKay on
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,865

    Do you mean morphs are being reset? That should not happen with poses from the Daz store, so if they are sets from Daz please open a support ticket. If it isn't poses from Daz, or if you are using the transforms to shape, then BeMKay's fix is one option. Another, at least for frequently used poses, is to apply them then save a new Pose preset (File>Save as>Pose preset) and after setting the name use the options dialogue to restrict which settings it saves to the pose - you can click the option menu button, part way down on the right, to make broad selections and then use the individual check-boxes in the tree to fine tune.

  • Thanks BeeMKay,

    Locking the parameters worked.

    Is there a way to make a custom morph with all the edited scaling parameters so I can load those parameters into any character?

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,865

    Use ERC Freeze:

    Set everything the way you want it, with no other morphs or transforms.

    Right-click in the Parameetrs pane and set it to edit Mode (if it isn't).

    Right-click in the Parameters pane again, Create New Property.

    Set the name, set the path to soemthing like Actor/Full Body/Real World or whatever seems apt, set the type to Modifier/Shape. You may want the Min limit set to 0. Click Accept

    Right-click on the new proeprty and select ERC Freeze. Al the transforms and morphs used by your character should be listed at the bottom, the new property should be listed as the controller - assuming all is well click Accept.

    Test to make sure everything works, if it does File>Save as>Support Assets>Morph Asset. The names you enter for Author and Product determine where in the figure's \Data\Creator\Product\Item\Morphs folder your files go.

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