Clearing Excess Install Files

in New Users
I understand that some files are retained that are no longer needed after installation, and some of these are quite bulky. I am running low on space in my C Drive so if there are files I can safely delete, could someone please tell me where they are? I don't dare delete anything i don't know for sure isn't necessary to use the product.
If you're using DIM to install your products,., Dim can save the downloaded installer packages,. you can open DIM and see if that option is enabled,. and if so,. you can delete these downloads. all your stuff is still available online.
Use DIM to remove stuff you're not "using",.
Any "content" files instaled with DIM need to be there,.
don't manually delete files,. use DIM to uninstall / re install
Hope it helps
Sounds awkward and very time consuming. I have literally thousands of mods, and thisa would take days at the download speeds I have been observing DIM to use.
Isn't there a simpler way? Seems to me there is a folder somewhere that can just be safely deleted from what I have heard, but i don't know where it is.
That's just what 3D hinted at above: every time you download something using the DIM (Daz Install Manager) it'll download the package and keep it in the download folder by default. In the tab "Ready to install" you'll see an option "delete package once installed". If that hasn't been enabled then your download folder is most likely filled with packages which you can safely remove (though, on a side note, I'd recommend creating an offline backup instead).
To find this download folder start the DIM, click the cog icon in the upper right corner and click the "downloads" tab. The directory you're looking for is mentioned at the top. Don't remove the directory itself, but you can easily remove its contents.
Hope this helps.
In addition: remember that you don't have to keep your media data on C. You can easily place your library folder on another drive if you want to.
I've been doing that last anyway in an external drive that is much larger than my C-drive (2TB as opposed to 500 GB), but I didn't know I could use it as anything other than a backup. I thought the library folder had to be in the C drive. Good to know that's not the case.
Anyway yes this information was very helpful. The files were already backed up to my more spacious external so now I can safely delete the contents of the file (I was already pretty sure I shouldn't delete the library folder itself but I appreciate the warning!).
Thank you for the help. :-)
Though come to find now that the only files there to delete are the ones I most recently uploaded! WTH?