duf files to character..
It's me again all..
I realize some stuff I've DL'd had targets that I don't own...so blap!! Don't work. Still, I'm dropping alot of stuff into folders that say for Gen's I have alone & I keep geetting missing files stuff!?! Usually they're duf stuff..
Is there some trick I'm missing?? A tutorial floating about to ease my woes?? (I'm sure there is..)
There's lots of really kool things out there rendered by awesome generous souls!! I get the pics in my content library...but then notta..
Err... what are you trying to say? Are you talking about genital material, or Genesis characters?
Perhaps you can give an example, one item that you bought, which gives you an error message, and then we can try working it out from there together?
I think Alfawulf probably downloaded a lot of clothing textures from the DAZ Store that they don't own the clothing for and there isn't anything they can do but buy the clothing those textures are meant for to use them.
You probably should search for a tutorial on YouTube or somewhere about how DAZ Store product listings are done so you know what to expect from a product when you buy it. The store listings aren't always correct or complete but in most cases you'll learn what is included and so if you know DAZ Studio and Poser well enough you'll learn what the products are, although some of the terms seem a bit sort of a technically specific to those programs at times for beginners. You'll also learn that some products that require you own other products to use a product will list all the products it depends on in a set of links to those dependencies so you can add up what it will cost to buy the product & it's dependencies so that you can use them. Those dependancies aren't always listed though so if you buy a product that has dependencies that wasn't listed you need to file a bug ticket stating that and ask they correct the store listing and ask for a refund if you do not wish to also buy the dependencies.
Mmm.. Rederosity stuffs and so on. No Daz originals..they work fine.
Example: I DL some freebies from (X) site that say they're for Gen 2 female. Nothing else...no named models required. I put it in the folder with all the other by unzipping. Get the lil pic in my Content Library and merge....Get a box saying (X) missing files whilst the character ends up wearing Minecraft fashion... it's usually dsf files..
Sorry meant dsf. I know I said duf and sometimes they are..
If I need to be clearer I can post a screeny..I have tons of stuff like this!!
Well, it's most likely as noonesuch says; your items are textures. Or they were not packed up in a fashion that you can easily unzip them and just move them into a folder. Does the freebie have a readme? If so, please check it out. Sometimes, the problem with freebies is that they have folders, but don't have the full folder structure. When you simply unzip them and shove them into your library, the folders end up in the wrong "departments", and in the end, the file with the little pic can not find the rest of the files, and you end up with the boxes instead of the item.
Duf is just the file format that tells the components were to go; it just is the container. If you have one item of the freebies which doesn't work that is "worksafe" and doesn't have a link that leads to an adult site, you can post it, so we can have a look at it and see what the problem is.
That's the culprit I do believe. At some point when I do maintenance I'll give the above a shot...THANX!!