Iray light (want white ground with the shadow of the figures)

in New Users
Hi guys,
i need a little bit help. I want a simple scene like this
White ground and background only the shadow of the figure is visible on the ground. I thought with a simple day light i can get it but it was to bright and when i make it more dark than the ground get grey.
I hope someone know how to do it
You need a reflective surface to make the figure visible. For example, if you use white Car Paint shader from the Iray default Uberbase shaders on a plane, and place that under the character.
I don't know if there's a really easy way, but the render below was created with a white plane, 100m square, (set to Iray shiny plastic, base colour white, with glossy reflectivity set to 1 and roughness set to 0) and a white environment map (512 x 256. I just copied the default environment map and filled it with white, value 1.0). This is quite bright and I set environment intensity to .75 (much lower and it starts to look grey) with default exposure. I also used a bright mesh light to create extra shadows. As in your example it's a combination of reflection and shadows. The edge of the plane is in the scene, but I can't see the join to the environment (should be easy to post out if necessary).
thx i will try it. in the attachfile is a render how it looks at the moment.
nice thx with the plastic shiny material it works but is there a way to eliminate the mirror effect or isnt possible?
here u can see what i mean :D
I took your first post and the attached picture that you wanted that mirroring effect...
increase the glossy roughness, that will reduce the reflection.
okay nice thanks. U was a great help :)
i got it. Roughness do this what i didnt want the ground get grey. But i changed the 'Base mixing' in the surface tab to 'weighted'
Perhaps, this will help you:
(It belongs to this blog, which also has other nice explanations:
Not sure if this is what you want ...
Just set
Render Settings -> Environment -> Draw Dome to OFF
Render Settings -> Environment -> Draw Ground to ON
then render (see pic01) and save as png.
In your paint program you should then be able to use the png's alpha channel
as mask to set everything to white except the figure and shadow (see pic02).
oh nice thats good to know. Thank you that makes all more easy without shaders.