How to save separate head/body morphs?

in New Users
How do I save separate head and body morphs? I want to create Head & Body INJ/REM files, how do I do that? Thanks.
For which figure? Are the morphs already split into ones affecting the head and ones affecting the body or do you have some that affect both?
For G3. I'm trying to create my own character and maybe it's different for Daz than Poser.... Do you just save the whole character and people can dial in the face or body? Basically I'm creating a custom character that I want to sell and am trying to figure out how to save it... Thanks.
Oh, also, how do I save a separate morph for fairy ears and the ability to switch back to normal ears...
Oh, I think I figured it out, there's a tree under G3 in shaping....
DS weight-mapped figures are all single skin - the mesh (and so the morphs) belong to the figure, not to bones. You can't set a single morph loaded from an OBJ file to one value on one body part, such as the head, and another value on other body part(s) as you could with Victroia 4 etc. If you are creating new morphs from direct mesh manipulation then you need to split them down in the modelling stage and load them separately (then use ERC Freeze to create a master controller if desired).