Quick Camera Question

DDCreateDDCreate Posts: 1,404

I'm pretty new to camera work and have no photography experiance. In DS, what is the control(s) that adjusts focus so things in the background are blurry but the foreground is in focus? I was messing with the sliders in camera last night and watching my Viewport but didn't see any changes. That makes me think that effect is more visible only in Render. I didn't try any Renders because I'm working in Iray and I didn't want to tax my computer over and over until i found the correct setting. Any tips would be appreciated. :) Thanks!


  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019
    edited April 2016

    In the Parameter Tab of the Camera, click "Depth of Field" to "On". The F-Stop is the field that is sharp; the higher the value, the more items in this field are covered. Use "Focal Distance" to determin the point of most sharpness.

    From my experience, the easiest way to handle this setting is by selecting the camera in the scene tab, then select the  Perspective View in the Viewport. It will show you the panes and focal point.

    I've labelled the parameters in the image. The Viewport is showing what you see when you select the camera in the scene tab.

    Focal Distance is marked with A, F/Stop planes with B. The little ball that marks the focal distance is also the plane where the image will be sharpest.


    For this quick render, I have changed the f/stop value to 17, so that just the face of the horse is covered. You can se how the back gets blurry.

    1241 x 649 - 112K
    1180 x 742 - 176K
    Post edited by BeeMKay on
  • DDCreateDDCreate Posts: 1,404

    Thank you so much for your help and going to that trouble. This info helped a lot! Thanks!

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