my Millennium Horse LE is is too shiny when render in lray...

in New Users
my Millennium Horse LE is is too shiny when render in lray...
are there any things i can do with it!!?
You'll need to adjust the skin settings...start by applying the Iray Uber to it and don't rely on the auto-conversion.
You'll find the shader preset fpr Iray Ueber Base under Shader Presets --> Iray Ueber Defaults.
Ince you have applied this, select the surface Tab, and open the surface of the horse. You will have to edit each surface separately.
Usually, the values you have to play around with are: Diffuse Roughness (needs to be increased to around 50%), Glossy Reflectivity (decrease to around 40%), Glossy Roughness (increase to atround 60%). Please note that the percantages given are just starting points. Changing surfaces often needs a lot of tinkering around until you get a result that you like.
And on top of that, the default skin isn't all that here's a few freebies.