Some content in Smart Content doesn't populate
I bought the Gen3 PoseBuilder/Converter bundle a couple of weeks ago and was able to select it in SCRIPTS with the Gen3M character. Now when I select the character, there is no option for SCRIPTS. It's not that the Pose Builder is gone. SCRIPT is gone.
I was working with the IRay Uber Shader last night and was able to find it under Products/Iray (or Shaders/Iray) and use it on several renders. When I went to use it again, I was unable to find it. I made sure my scene was cleared of selections. Then I tried with everything selected. Still nothing. I was able to find it in my Content Library pretty easily.
My question is, why do options disappear from the lists like that? When you're working on something you don't want to keep looking for a tool you just used ya know?
Maybe it's just a finicky little glitch, I don't know. Just thought I'd ask.