Getting DS to recognize content on external hard drive

I moved My DAZ 3D Library to an external hard drive and set DIM up to install there, but DS doesn't recognize it and when I connect to Connect, it created a new My Daz 3D Library folder on my main hard drive. How do I direct DS to look for the content on the external hard drive? Please send a screenshot if possible, I looked everywhere and found this under preferences but could not find a way to add the external hard drive.... Also I could not find the options on the Contennt Library Pane as suggested in the screen shot. If you can, please send a screenshot where to find it! Thanks :)
Yesterday all my content was there, now it is gone. I found the panel in the second screenshot but none of my hard drives come up to scan and there is no content!
Update: I clicked on search hard drives and it only searched my main hard drive but most of my content is on external drives. How do I get it to find my external hard drives? And why did I have that content yesterday, and today it disappeared? Thanks...

On the Content Directory Manager dialog, click on "Daz Connect Data" and Add the path you want it to use, do the same for "Daz Studio Formats" and "Poser Formats". Note that Macs can have issdues with USB external drives, as if there is a temporary inability to locate the drive, OSX will create a replacement and then DS won't be able to find it.
Oh oh, I'm on a Mac... But I don't have problems with any other software. Poser always finds my external drives...
OK, I just checked the Content Directory Manager and I don't see a way of addind a new hard drive. It found one old one, but not the main ones for DS or Poser. There is no way to add another directory or delete one... See attached screenshot... When I click on anything there is no new + sign to add a new directory.
I don't what is difficult?
Just have the directories you want to use configured in the Content Directory Manager, AND and DIM.
Remember though that removable disks over USB or disks mounted over Wifi will change name whenever they are lost and found.
But how do you add a new directory? There is nothing to click...
It looks as if you may have collapsed the left hand that double bar in the middle of the left margin.
OMG, Thanks! I didn't know there was a pane there!
Or right-click on the items in the view. The various items have context specific options.