Bryce 7 Pro Registration a Big No Go

I have been trying for two days to get my bryce 7 pro to let me registrar it. I have read all the things in the doc, found the info in the right folder and all that stuff.
I am on a windows 7 64 bit system so did the dll thing as well. still No Go.
Keeps telling me Invalid serial number but its the one in the bryce 7 DAT file.
So is there a magic hammer I need to download to hit this thing with
The serial number is in your account dashboard, under "My Serial Numbers" Click on the little blue man icon, next to the shopping cart up on the top line of this page, to go to your account dashboard, and then got to "Serial Numbers" from the icons along the top on that page.
AW I see thank you very much
take care have fun and be safe
Click on the blue figure icon located next to the shopping cart at the top of this page to view your serial numbers. Navigate to 'Serial Numbers' on your account dashboard and find the information you require. There, you'll find the information you require to proceed.