DSF Shaping file created in DS 4.5 issue with earlier versions of DS
Some people who still use earlier versions of DS have reported problems they are having using a free Shaping DSF file that I created in DS 4.5
I tested it myself and found that in earlier versions of DS the shaping dial doesn't appear in the shaping menu.
What's the reason for this? Is there a way to correct it?
Any help would be appreciated.
P.S. Here's the thread in the freestuff forum with the download link for the shaping file and people's comments etc.
I re-did the dsf file in DS 4 and updated, so now it works with all versions.
Still be interested to know why a Morph DSF file created in DS 4.5 wasn't showing up in earlier versions though??
Is it better for content creators to stick with DS 4 for now? I think I will be, anyway. Seems to be the best way for creating content for all versions.
Version 4.5 has the improvements to genesis and the DSON format, so chances are you probably want to move forward to the new version (and change out the dsa files for duf) as soon as you can rather than stay at 4.0. Content development-wise, the tools and interface seem a lot more stable and quicker than previous version and some people making clothing say that 4.5 is a lot better.
But the dsf files saved in 4.5 is incompatible with previous versions.
Doe anyone happen to know if morphs saved as dsf from 4.5 will still show up in the 4.0 Parameters menu? I know about the Shaping tab not showing them, but have gotten mixed feedback on Parameters. Tyvm :)
Wonder if we can get Daz to expand on the Depreciated menu option a little, so we don't have to try and run 4.0 and 4.5 at once, till things all level out :)
Why would anyone not just move to DS4.5Pro FULL. It is the Full offical final version. Yes it does have errors for some users but the VAST majority have not one problem. Faster, more stable, many improvements. If it fails on your OS then go back to 4.
4.5 has been great for me, but I've heard others giving reasons that they don't upgrade- various reasons, like plug-in updates for something they use not being ready (Reality, maybe?), slow connections for the download, waiting for more bugs to be worked out, backwards compatibility for creators, .. I can't think of the other reasons I've heard. :)
I think all the plugins that worked in 4.0 have been updated for 4.5 now. There are still plugins that have not been made available for 4.anything, however. There are, however, a couple of fairly serious issues in the current 4.5 - area lights and refraction are not working correctly, which is a problem for many people using more advanced material and lighting options.
Also, lots, if not all, of the Songbird Remix products do not work properly in 4.5 now. You can put them in a scene and render fine, but if you save the DUF and try to reopen the file, it crashes DS, and you've lost that scene entirely. Songbird Remix may not be used in many of your scenes, but when you do use it, it is disappointing to work for hours on something and then lose it all.
Oh, that's not good :( Have you told Ken about this so he can see why it happens?
edit - oh, just found this - he is aware of it
Also, upgrading DS, upgrading all PlugIns and then upgrading all the content that from what I understand needs updates to prevent bugs in DS4.5 is no small task. Might take a day or two and not everyone has that much free time. And even if you do, as long as 4.0 functional you just might not feel like it and rather just play around with the old version.
In the end updating DS is a substantial investment in time and always carries a certain risk that, for whatever reason, thinks stop working as they used to.
I wasn't aware of the Songbird issue either, but with those listed, I can see why it's kinda torn on upgrade or don't at this point. An option to save a few more things, like Morphs, in Depreciated would be very handy then. Not sure if it'd be something Daz would have to do, or if it could be scripted.