Is it possible to load 2 instances of an environment at the same time?
I want to work with this outdoor environment but I am pretty sure it will only allow me limited camera angles without captureing the no mans land square grid. I know I can add a primative plane with an image on it to help block that but it will only be a one dimensional picture. Is it possible to load another instance of this environment to mirror the opposite side of the street so I don't only have to shoot from the left or right angle but can rotate? I guess if I'm desperate, I can start 2 seperate sceanes with one set to the left and one to the right and switch between the 2 and save the character poses as presets for continuity but that sounds like a lot of work. Just wondered if anyone has tried this sort of thing or if there are any other techniques out there. Any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks!
Yes you can, you an eitehr load a second copy, use Edit> Duplicate> Duplicate Node Hierachies or Create> New Node Instance. You'd then just move the 'copy' to where you wnat it to be. The new node instance should use less memory, but it will echo any material/shader changes you make to the origial version if that is an issue.
Awesome! I would have just tried but I'm at work and that seems to be when I think about this stuff. And thanks for the step by step on it too. I think I'd have just tried moving the original, double clicking on the environment and then asked here anyway. Now when you say it will echo material/shader changes, you mean if I were to alter the color of the brick on the original, it will look the same on the duplicate right? Makes sense. What if I alter the material/shader on the duplicate? Will that reflect on the original as well? Thanks for your help!
Correct, but only if your create an Instance. And you can only change the original's textures/shaders with instancing. With duplicates and fresh copies they are separate entities (hence using more memory).
Between both methods are differences.
If you use Edit > Duplicate > Duplicate Node Hierarchies, you get a completely new instance of the original as copy, including all children, assets and materials. You can alter the original without affecting the copy, and altering the copy will not affect the original.
If you use Create > New Node Instance, you get a new instance of the original in form of one single node. And if you alter the original or parts of it, this will also alter the new instance in the same way. The new instance is NOT alterable separately, except the general parameters Transform and Display in the Parameters tab.
Thank you both very much for the help! I appreciate it.