what happened to the Bryce competition

Hi, a lot has changed in Daz 3d my Avatar has gone, everything image I submitted in Bryce comps have disappeared, is there no more comps to enter? What has happened confused *>)
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Hi, a lot has changed in Daz 3d my Avatar has gone, everything image I submitted in Bryce comps have disappeared, is there no more comps to enter? What has happened confused *>)
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The old forums are archived here in a "read only" format http://forumarchive.daz3d.com/
However you cannot view images without manipulaitng the html that is what shows at the moment. THe images are still there, but cannot be viewed, because we cannot actually "login" to the arcived site, and images only show after login.
So if you see something like this at the bottom of a post
You change that to http://forumarchive.daz3d.com/postimages/origimage_1_3406197.jpg to view the image.
Thanks Chohole for the reply, but i can't even see my old images that i posted let alone use the archive, Thanks anyway for the info you gave me
cheers Sylvia
Are you talking about the Galleries ?
Yes thanks Chohole, I submitted some images for the June contest as well but all my images from the may 2012 have disappeared also, i know that this is not part of your forum but i thought you may be able to steer me in the right direction, sorry to be a bother
thanks and cheers Sylvia
The Galleries are currently not available. We were notified about that some time before the old site went down.
They will come back, hopefully sometimes soon, but are probably not a priority, given the various other bugs and annoyances that heve been logged and need sorting out.
THey did tell us that the images would be saved.
thanks again Chohole you have been a great help and have answered all my questions much appreciated
cheers Sylvia *>)