How do you create a stone cottage?

I feel a bit guilty here - I am the only person it seems asking questions in the forum.
I guess some of you may have half expected this question coming if you've followed an earlier thread of mine...
But how do you customise and build buildings?
Do I have to purchase these or use another bit of software to generate these?
If I have to use Hexagon I guess the people in that forum are going to get to know me really well.
Thanks again everyone for getting me started with Bryce and DS - it's going to be very rewarding.
There are lots of free models available that will load into Bryce (any .obj file).
Or you can build your own in Bryce (but I can guarantee that will only lead to another eleven or so threads) :) is one place to look for models. Or if you want to learn how to make your own you can get an idea how it's done here; It's a tutorial by David Brinnen. You Tube also has tutorials on making building that may help. The tutorials may not tell you how to create the buildings you actually want, but they'll give you the basics on how it's done.
good one :)
you have one - just think box - made from fences
Learning, it is all about asking questions and making mistakes.
I like to use Wings3D to make simple components that I can then organise into larger structures in Bryce. If you want to see me using Wings3D, I have recently made a little tutorial which covers a basic modelling exercise. Also you will get to see me export and import the models into Bryce - which is a key stage.
Here's the link... 8 minute Wings3D project - two part box - a tutorial by David Brinnen
And of course me, who loves playing with building blocks, I make my own little cottages within Bryce. Using prims and alternate prims.(and booleans)
very cool model
good one :)
you have one - just think box - made from fences
here's one done in Bryce - link
If you want to go the buy route there is a product hear, made for Bryce that might suit you called Four Ancient Cottages and is found here.
Thanks for thet LordHardDriven, but it's not really what I was looking for.
Really appreciate you looking though