Need help organizing figures and clothes *Solved

I have failed installing product logically and had to re-install Daz Studio twice now. Is there a good tutorial that explains managing libraries and sorting product? The exe installer just put stuff everywhere. Should I install the exe to a temp directory and manually move it into organized libraries?
What I have learned so far is that I made a separate Library folder for Victoria 4 produce and placed it to a poser library with a fake poser.exe file in it. Then finally linked it to Daz Studio.
Are there any other libraries that I should be grouping product in? I am trying to stick with older item so I can use them with Carrara. Some of which are Victoria 4&5, Michle4&5, Aiko3-6, The Girl 4&5, Genasis2(and maybe 1), Tori5, and Millennium Big Cat.
I thought I read somewhere to install Genesis 1&2 in the same library and put Victoria 5 in there. Is that right? Should any other products go in there?
Finally my new install I did let The Daz install Manager add in my Carrara 8.5 ( items as well as the one that came with Daze Studio. in the native directory. Should I remove them and put them in sorted libraries too? How will leaving them effect my separate libraries? I am just so confused about how random this is organized.
Thanks for any help
I just ran across this. It seems to say let the exe instlaler just load everything into the native library making a jumbled mess. Then in Das Studio drag and drop to organize them. Is better than making seperate libraries?
Also wiil this orginazation in Das Studio carry over to Carrara 8.5 too?
Opps look like this will not work any more
Opps look like this willnot work any more
Are you using DIM?
Hi rfrydryckstudio :)
Stop now .
there's no need to do what you're doing,. you don't need to create manual runtime folders,. and you don't need to manually install products.
I know it can seem to be randomly organised,. but it's not,. and by trying to "organize it",. what you'll do is,.. break things,. and need to unintall, and re-intall correctly.
That's the main reason that DIM was created,.and also the ability to "Virtually" organise your products into categories and arrange things in a way that suits you,. it#'s also why "Smart content" was developed,. to make your life easier by not having to mnually seach through folders for your products,. but to have smart products which can present you with a range of products which work with the item you have selected in the scene.
If you're using DIM
It will install all your Daz Studio products into your Daz Studio library folders,.
It will install all of your Carrara products into your Carrara folders.
It will install Poser products into your Poser folders,. and it can also install products for other aplications such as Bryce, Photoshop, Z-brush,.
Hope it helps
Answer: No I did not use DIM wiht my old poser exe's. Please follow though this process with me as I reinstalled Daz Studio to try again.
1 Did I mess up my Content Directly manager? I do not remember there being 2 directories under the poser Formats. Note at this time I have no figures or clothes added. **See picture below.
2a. Do you really use DIM to install the old Victoria 4 content with DIM? I was told to make a separate library with a fake Poser.exe file and install to there. That way the old poser stuff would be together.
2b. I will be installing a lot of old content as you see from my list above I am worried that installing a terabyte of old poser stuff will just give me a mess again. Thoughts?
3. How do I use DIM to instlal old exe Victoria 4 Poser files?
I REALLY want to get this organized with all my old poser stuff and keep it separate or my newer fresh content which does not work together. My concern stems from even with DIM it is hard to tell what clothes fit what figure if you have lots of bought material.
You can't use DIM to install exe installers....don't bother with them. You can download the updated zip installers that DIM uses, manually or allow DIM to do it. Doing that eliminates most of the hassle/concerns about more than one content directory, if it is in the proper location, etc. The exe installers are long dead...bury them already.
Generartion 4 (V4, M4, etc) do not NEED to be separate...they can be put into a separate content directory, but don't have to be. But if you do want to put them in a separate directory., create the folder then in CDM, MAP IT BEFORE you install, to both Daz native and Poser formats.
Everything newer than gen4 (Genesis 1, 2 and 3) are already setup for the 'current' structure. The various Starter Essential packs will slot right into the My Library type setup. All add-on characters for them will follow...
Yes the exe files have long since been replaced with zip files, but you didn't need to use a separate runtime with a fake Pose.exe with them either.
Or at least for a while...for some of them.
You did if you weren't using them to install to the default location AND wanted both the Poser and DS specific files installed. Without the fake Poser it would only install the DS files.
Wrong it installed absolutely the same files, the DAZ Studio option was poorly named as what it really did was opt for a manual install allowing the user to define the path to install to.
Yeah...but it wouldn't DO it if it wasn't there...
I've been running on Linux for ages and I needed to install all those exe installers to a dummy folder...because of file/folder names often being multiple case (upper/lower case mixed creates a big mess)..and at least one version of the exe installer needed that fake Poser exe or it wouldn't install everything (and sometimes ANYTHING).
One of the multiple reasons I threw a party when the switch to zips was announced.