Noob DS user with Posing question

Need some DS help for posing if possible. In Poser, when you use the trans dials on the hip, if your IK is unchecked, the hip will move the body while the feet are firmly planted on the ground. I don't see a way to do this in DS. I've checked and unchecked, moved and re-moved. LOL Is it possible to move the figure this way in DS?




  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333
    edited April 2016

    As far as I know, no, but if I'm wrong someone please correct me.

    Post edited by nonesuch00 on
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,865

    If IK is unchecked in Poser the feet will move with the rest of the body, if it's checked than as you say the feet will stay pinned. There are two IK-type tools in DS - using either the Universal tool or the Active Pose toll you can pin selected bones (right-click menu or use the icon on the manipulator, or at top-right on the posing orb for the Universal tool: using the Universal tool the pins will affect any posing (with the tool or via parameters), with the ActivePose tool only dragging to translate in the viewport interacts with the pins; on the other hand, the pins are much more rigid with the Active Pose tool than with the Universal too. Neither tool suports parentable IK targets as Poser does; for similar but non-interactive funtionallity look at Casual's scripts in the Freebies forum.

  • IslandgirlIslandgirl Posts: 383

    Thank you both for your responses! are correct about the Poser IK...I got them mixed up as I typed my post. LOL I will play more with the tools you mentioned as well as check the freebies forum. 

    Thank you so much!

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