GPU memory requirement

RuriRuri Posts: 50


I just thought to buy some cheap nvidia gpu card to test the iray renders. How do I check the max memory usage during render as I'm currently CPU only? I'm just playing with simplistic renders. I'm looking at some used gtx770 with tons of cuda core but only 2gb ram, so I need some help to evaluate.




  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,865

    There's no certain way to tell in advance, though the Iray Memory Assistant script in thes tore can give an estimate based on general principles. 2GB is going to limit you, though if you add it as a second GPU and leave the existing oen to handle the display you can get the full use of that 2GB.

  • RuriRuri Posts: 50

    Hi Richard,

    Sorry, I mentioned during render. I dont really mean memory usage on the go. I'm thinking something like this:

    1. Setup scene.

    2. Render with iray.

    3. Wait until finishes by quality or by time.

    4. Check some log to see the top memory usage. I'm sure the the task manager memory usage is way off the chart as its easily eating up 10gb and I'm just some noob throwing on a G2F, G2M and clothes. The actual memory usage should be less, but I'm not sure how to check. I tried searching under Troubleshooting > Logfiles by searching for "Memory". Dont think it could be this simple though.


    Physical Memory:
        Total: 23.9 GB (25711697920)
        Avail: 20.0 GB (21518766080)
    Virtual Memory:
        Total: 7.9 TB (8796092891136)
        Avail: 7.9 TB (8795842035712)
    Current Memory Usage: 16%
    Current DateTime:
        Loc: Sun Apr 3 14:03:28 2016
        UTC: Sun Apr 3 06:03:28 2016

    By Iray Memory assistant , you mean this product?

    Looks too hardcore for just a newbie. smiley

  • LayLo 3DLayLo 3D Posts: 329

    This is what I was told from Daz Tech Support about VRAM:

    "I think 4GB is recommended (I think at 2 it won't even show the card in the list). You can check your Advanced Render settings and choose your card. It will try to use it unless the scene is too large, then will fall back to CPU."

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333

    I have a little over 3 GB out of 8 GB available to DAZ Studio 4.9 and only using 1 person, cyclorama, and iRay DAZ will crash sometimes with out of memory if I try and browse the internet while DAZ is rendering. Definitely get 4GB RAM video card.

  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,492

    I run on a 2 GB card, so they do work on fairly simple scenes - I don't often find it falling back to CPU mode. I'm really careful not to try doing anything else while I'm rendering though (I use a laptop for internet, etc, while the desktop is a dedicated renderer).

     Having said that though: if I were buying today I'd definitely go for a bigger one.

  • RuriRuri Posts: 50

    Yeah, thanks for the feedback, everyone.

  • RenomistaRenomista Posts: 921

    2gb VRAM are really limiting.

    I run currently with  4GB cards and even then in complex scenes i have to fall back to layering or other tricks.

    The IMA is a very helpful tool for optimizing Memory usage, for instance finding background objects were you can reduce sub d levels etc...

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