Error Message: Unable to rece…
Daz 3D Forums > General > The Commons>Error Message: Unable to rece…
Error Message: Unable to receive your submission at this time

I received this message when I clicked submit post to a thread that I had created. I had originally tried it Tuesday evening and then tried it again today and got the same error message: "Error Message: Unable to receive your submission at this time". To my knowledge I have received no email stating that my posting abilities have been restricted in anyway so I'm clueless as to why I keep getting this message. Any one have any ideas about this?
Addendum: Both postings were on 2 separate computers and over 2 different internet connections (home - 1st time, work - 2nd time).
I have seen this happen when I tried to make a post with the exact same wording as ones I have posted previously. If you change the text slightly, does the post work?
I'll try that and see if it works...
Well that seemed to work. I changed a word to an abbreviation and it posted. That is so anal that the forum does that.
I get that a lot uploading images on Android
also leads to duplicate posts!!
We surmise that it is part of the built in Spam filters. Hence why it occurs if you try posting the same message several times, or use the same wording in different replies, as that is typical spambot behaviour. You also cannot send Identical PMs too many times, unless you send them all at once, using the CC section.
By that logic it should also stop duplicate posts, which apparently it does not, according to Wendy's comment.
except mine occured correcting a typo!
so they were only ALMOST identical! ;-P
If you really want a laugh, It is very difficult for us now to type that immortal message "Moved to the Commons because it is a request for, not an offer of, a freebie" That too has to be subltly altered each time it is posted, or part typed and then edited afterwards.
Not long before you need to start writing in Leet or a foreign language