only teeth color turn red when render

kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526

I tried so basic animation by daz 4 only, pupettief face pose, animate light some animation brock , then just cameramove,
it seems well for me as first test ds 4.5 animation,,

(actually a few kee frames change face ugly, face pose? removed all skin from face,,
but I delete the frames and apply face pose again then corrected it)

but then render every image, there is one odd thing.
the actor teeth color turn red . I never see such color teeth in default setting render.
when I change the character material only, it can correct,
but I apply again the products character material , when I spot render teeth
with default , every time change red color,,,

I like the character material, so, if I can correct it with easy setting, I want to use it,,
is it often happen when lender teeth?

if there is check point about this case please,teach me.

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  • jestmartjestmart Posts: 4,449
    edited December 1969

    I have seen a few badly done material presets for both the Human Surface Shader and Ubershader. The problem is usually a deep red color is applied to the subsurface scatter or the velvet channel settings for the teeth.

  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526
    edited December 1969

    thank you jestmart ;-)

    I tried to correct setting of teeth surfaces,, so I off and on ,about some parameters which I can understand thet means
    but I could not define which parameter .

    then I checked again as you said now,,
    yes,, thank you,, much,, if I check off sub surfaces active it seems to be normal.

    there are "color" "strength" "refraction" "scale" "group" and "shading rate" about sub surfaces,,

    then If I change "group" value, the teeth turned white,,
    the assigned number cause only red teeth ^^:
    if I set "4" teeth must turn red,
    other number seems OK,,

    but I do not understand these parameter means at all,^^;
    is there any good document about these parameter?

    I studied about some main parameter of material ,,but I do not understand
    about "Fresnel" "velvet" and "sub surfaces" (and Trunslucency Fantom too,,)
    those setting is for some shader only ?:coolhmm:

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  • jestmartjestmart Posts: 4,449
    edited December 1969

    I am glad I was able to help at least a little. Unfortunately I really don't understand a lot of the settings in the HSS and UberSurface shaders myself.

  • MattymanxMattymanx Posts: 6,899
    edited December 1969

    Do you have lights in the scene casting shadows?

    If not then that would explain the pink as it appears to be the inner mouth texture lit up, not the teeth being pink.

    If no lights are in a scene, DS will render as though the camera has a light attached to it. Once lights are added, it uses those lights.

  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526
    edited December 1969

    jestmart , about this products, it cause with default setting,
    or with simple light presets too. ^^;

    (I can not undersstand,, what is uber surface,,><)</p>

    Hi thanks Mattymanx,

    yes because I made the scene simple animation test
    (walk lady , turn right and sholder attack , stop ,, laugh, then beat cameraman,,
    she walk away,,)

    so I want not apply or set any new light or shadow,,.
    I understand ds attach default distance light if I do not create new light.

    and if the teeth color caused by inner mouth colour,
    anyway I can not find other way to change the theeth white now.^^;

    I tried some simple light setting , with this figure applied character presets,
    but there seems no change.

    and I try change setting of InnerMouth suface group,
    turn off many parameter,
    but it can correst when I set subsurface active "OFF" of the teeth,
    if I change other subsurface active "off" , the teeth color keep red ^^;

  • MattymanxMattymanx Posts: 6,899
    edited December 1969

    What are ALL your settings for the Teeth?

  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526
    edited December 1969

    thank you,, but it seems imposible every setting copy, maually.
    and there was so many category,, and I understand now,,
    this character preset use ubersurface shader,, (ah,, I understand,, it is shader,,)

    so I stuck only active parameter.:gulp:

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  • jestmartjestmart Posts: 4,449
    edited December 1969

    It is late here and my brain is not up to explaining what little I know of HSS (Human Surface Shader) or UberSurface shader. I will try to put something together to post tomorrow night.

  • jestmartjestmart Posts: 4,449
    edited December 1969

    As I promised I now give you all of my knowledge, such as it is, on the advance shaders.

    Human Surface (aka HSS) and UberSurface are advance shaders by Omnifreaker, they provide access to more of 3DeLight's features than the default shaders. From the Content Library tab they can be found under DAZ Studio Formats / [where ever you installed Genesis Starter Essentials] / Shader Presets / omnifreaker.

    Notice that there is a DS Defaults under Shader Presets and inside is a dzDefault shader. If you would rather not have to deal with the advance shaders you could; select the figure in the Scene tab, select the surfaces in the Surface tab, while holding down the Ctrl-key double click the dzDefault shader and in the pop-up where it says Images change to 'Ignore' than Accept. {Personal Note: In the pop-up there is a Surfaces option, it has been my experience the 'All' doesn't work much better than 'Selected'. I have to repeat the previous steps until all the surfaces I wish to change are changed.}

    Back to the advance shaders, HSS and UberSurface seem almost identical feature wise so I can only assume HSS has been optimized in some slight way for skin. Why two Speculars? Skin has layers, not just the actual layer of skin but also the natural oils on the skin. The skin itself is less reflective than the oil layer, having one Specular set for soft, diffuse and weaker skin specular and the other set for sharper, stronger specular of the oil layer.

    Now we get to the function I can only guess at, Fresnel Active. I know that a fresnel lens is a special type of magnifying lens but not much more. I see that there is no Refraction function so I can only assume the Fresnal function serves a similar purpose. I also noticed that it is almost always on when Velvet or Subsurface are on. Again I can only assume it effects how the light will be scattered.

    Velvet can be thought of as the opposite of Subsurface. It imitates the way light scatters accross a fuzzy surface like velvet, or the hairs on skin.

    Subsurface imitates the way light penetrates and scatters bellow a surface, the effect is best seen in jade but is present on all semi translucent materials, like skin. In skin the effect is strongest where ever the skin is thinnest and light can pass through, for example the webbing between your fingers and on the ears. Most characters that use subsurface set the color to a red hue, the reason being that the little blood vessels bellow the skin influence the color. Of course not all the blood vessels are arteries, some are veins. Depending on the location veins may be more prevalent than arteries and in those areas the color should be more blue-green, and in other area it is about equal and those area should be a neutral gray. Furthermore subsurface scattering will vary based on the thickness of the skin and how tight it is pulled. For best results a color and strength map should be present, but most I have seen only have the strength map if that. So if I was to use SS on the teeth the color would not be red as there are no arteries near the surface of the teeth. As to the Subsurface Group, this just seems to be a way to assign similar surfaces to a group. All the skin areas can be one group, the nails another and so on.

    I confess that Translucency Active is just a guess on my part too. I assume it does just what its name implies. It sets how easy it is for light to penetrate a surface, which is not quite the same as Opacity, and what color the light will become. If Subsurface is on Translucency will probable be on (but not always) otherwise I don't think it has much effect or use.

  • jestmartjestmart Posts: 4,449
    edited December 1969

    kitakoredaz, got your site mail, tried to reply but it was taking forever so reply here instead. I encourage to experiment with the advance shaders as I have been, they can produce great realistic or fantastical looks. But they are also slow to render, as you are doing animations it may be best use the technique to convert advance shaders back to the default shader.

  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526
    edited December 1969

    thank you jestmart ^^

    I did not think much about how shader surface is applyed with figure skin,,
    everytime I just leave it off it as they are.^^;
    just only tweak opacity, diffuse ,and some parameter,,

    I am now learning about human shader in earnest, for your advices:coolmad:

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