clothes never seem to fit?
Very new to DS but I get the basics. However I can never seem to get clothes to fit models. For example, i purchase "/georgy-for-callie-6" says she is a G2F. yet no clothes fit her right, even if i select clothes that say they are for G2F's. Like "/Seifuku for Genesis 2 Female(s) " the socks shove into the faces of the femal model, or the skirt doesn't really sit on her hips, either polygons are showing of her or skirt into body, or "floating" Is there something I am missing when purchasing clothes? Is there some weird section of peremiters that I just don't see that adjust things other than
"scale, rotate, x y z etc?"
Select the clothing item and go to the parameters tab, there you can fiddle with adjustment morphs if the clothing item has them, also make sure smoothing is turned on and try playing with the smoothing iterations etc, and also that the clothing item 'fit to' has your figure listed, and play with collision settings. Note, what you see in the parameters tab is dictated both by the figure/item you have selected and then which listing you have selected in the parameters tab, so if you first click on the item then look in parameters you will see daz has selected the 'general' option, which only then shows items associated with that, like translation, rotation, scale, but if you select the item listing itself in the parameters tab ALL the parameters available for that item will open up. With figures or props/items with poseable parts, sometimes selecting specific parts in the scene tab (like 'head' or 'hand') will reveal options in the parameters tab that are specific to that part. Try selecting different things in the scene and then the parameters tab and see whats what.
Also, if you are using clothing that is worn on top of other clothing items, like a jacket over a shirt, you can try changing "fit to" for the jacket from the figure to the shirt. In other words, fit the bottom garment to the figure, then fit the top garment to the bottom garment.
Something else that can happen if you load various items (happöens to me regularly): When loading a clothing item, I accidently selected some clothing item, or even hair, I had loaded earlier. Then the clothing item would try loading to the hair/other clothing item, and all sort of weirdness is the result.
I'll be the party pooper here...
Just because it says it's GX compatible, doesn't mean it will work with every character or morph combination.
This just means that it will work with the base character. Anything else and you'll either have to play with morph dials, as other's have said, to try to get to work or break out the d-formers to manually tweak.
Based on what you've stated, it sounds more like the Smoothing Modifer is either way off or non-existent.
Check under Parameters>General>Mesh Smoothing to see what the settings are and if they are even present.
You may want to turn smoothing off and adjust the item manually to get over the parts that are 'poking' through, this way you will reduce the likely hood of "thin mesh" at render time. This usually happens with hosiery in my case.
If the settings are too high the item can literally explode.
As a for instance a skirt i have for G1 has the smoothing iterations set to 20 by default, when applied to G2/G3 the skirt literally explodes.
Changing the setting back down to 4-5 fixes the issue.
ON G3f the Biggest problem i have currently is that jackets and shirts have a tendency to do funky things around the abdomen when i have various chest morphs applied. The only solution, i've found so far, in that case is to break out the D-formers, or do some mods in Z-brush or hexagon.