How do I get rid of super shiny lips
I loaded FWSI Marie HD for Monique 6 and applied the Iray uber shader to her but the lips come out super shiny and regardless of which sliders I adjusted for anything that remotely seemed like reflection or shine didn't seem to make a difference. What adjustments work to lower the shine in when converting ds presets to iray on G2?
In my experience, it's usually the "Top Coat" settings. Try turning down the "Top Coat Weight," or playing with some of the other "Top Coat" settings.
Thank you I will try that tonight, it never occured to try topcoat I was trying anything that said reflective
Another thing to look at is your specular color, the lighter it is the shinier your lips will appear, especially if glossiness is cranked up. Darken the specular and see if that helps.
gederix - thanks I will try that also